Friday, May 15, 2015

The Not So Yellow Chair

Hi everyone. This has been another fast week for me. I think as soon as the weather gets nice time speeds up, but maybe its because I feel more ambitious and end up being so much busier than when the weather is cold and wintery. Its been way too buggy to work out in the garden this week- those black flies are out en mass and will eat you alive, so I have been doing a few smaller projects inside the house in the evening. These are the things I had hoped to do last weekend but since all I did was play last weekend, none of them ever got done.
Feels good to get them done!
But it felt even better to play last weekend.
 So a few weeks back I showed you this painting I had started. The yellow chair.
I've done a lot to it in the past couple of weeks, including covering things over and redoing things, and now I think I am about done.
The colors in this upper photo are taken under a light. They are kind of off.
Here it is now taken in some natural light so the colors are true to form.
 I'm not sure I really like it. The chair started out yellow, and then got painted orange before its present color. I also covered the chair in some molding paste and carved in these words. I like the texture you get up close but it makes it harder to paint because it isn't very smooth.
I added the flowers and the roots because it needed something and I didn't want to add something to regular.  Plus I figured home is where you have your roots and if home is a good place (which I certainly hope it is for all of you) you tend to bloom there. Home should bring out your best self.
And a chair is such an integral part of a home, isn't it?
When I look at this photo I think maybe I should expand the blossoms and leaves. Maybe I should also add a cat or dog.  Cats (in particular) always work well in homey paintings. They make it feel more loved and lived in and a bigger part of the whole universe.
Or at least they do to me.

So any big plans this weekend? I should be getting my screen porch opened up which is really exciting.  We close it in with plastic over the winter to hold in heat on that end of the house. Plus it makes a good winter storage place for those yard chairs and the picnic table. Anyhow, my screen porch is my warm weather retreat and I love to spend lots of time out there. Keeps me away from all those bugs. I can't wait to get out and use it again.
Linking this post to Paint Party Friday. Thanks to Eva and Kristen for hosting.
Have a great weekend!


  1. Your chair has developed well. I think a cat would look good on it, but it's lovely as it is. Have fun this weekend! Hugs, Valerie

  2. I like the idea of the roots and the flowering. That's definitely how home should be. A cat would fit in very well, I think :)

  3. What a transformation, now it is so funky!

  4. Awesome work. Love it! I just drew a chair as well, a blue one. Love the roots.

  5. Love the transformation!
    And... that cake... in the prior post... gorgeous!

  6. That kind of chair would fit my home just perfectly!!

  7. I love the transformation because it now looks much more inviting and definitely shows wonderful symbolism! Nice work E-R-I-K-A
    (I had to rehearse that :)

  8. I love both versions. The second is a fun chair with bags of personality. Happy PPF !

  9. Oh I really like this, love the texture on the chair, and quite agree, every home needs a cat :-) xx

  10. So exciting to see how the chair and room changed. Yes, I would like to see a cat there :) I love cats! And a chair is so welcomed and loving part of a home. :)

  11. I think a cat would be delightful in your painting. I like what you've done with it so far. I also hope you get to use that screened in porch soon.

  12. I would LOVE to have that chair in my house! That carpet really makes it homey....


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