Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Just Keep Swimming

One last piece for The Sea/Das Meer over at Art Journal Journey as the topic changes next week with the new month starting. 
All the fish!
I started with a piece of watercolor paper with a Gelli print on it.  I drew in the fish all over the page with a black Sharpie. The ones outside of the Gelli print I used some SILKS to paint. Then I took dark blue acrylic and painted around them all, letting the fish over the Gelli print retain the cool look of the print. It was still a little needing at that point, so I used my soft molding paste and a stencil to make all the little dots, which once dry I used some SILKS to paint over.  Then I added some torn pieces of a Gelli print on deli wrap, and repainted the whole blue area with the same darker blue acrylic paint as I did earlier. Finally, I added a little stamp that says just keep swimming.

So my long weekend is over and its back to work today. But it was a really nice weekend!  Now its the  last leg at school until June 19th when the kids are off for the summer! I have 3 more workdays after that so I'm there until the 24th, but time is going to fly right by. (And once the kids are gone the workdays kind of roll right by...mentally at that point you are just cleaning up and rolling out for a bit.)
This week I am hoping to get the last coat of paint on my screen porch floor so I can move my furniture back in (its all in the house right now-what a mess) and start to use it. I also bought some annuals to do a few pots on my deck, and I'd love to get the rest of them planted. Let's see what I accomplish and what has to wait for the weekend! I might find more interesting things to do with paint and flowers, and I don't mean having to work to do those things either.
Have a great day and thanks for visiting my post!


  1. Wonderful piece, love your happy fish! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie- and thanks for joining us at Art Journal Journey!

  2. Wow Erika! Another stunning piece for our collection over at Art Journal Journey! Thank you very much!

  3. Absolutely beautiful journal page! Wonderful colours!

  4. Beautiful colorful and strong fish scene you created!
    You have me curious about SILK paints (that said I have no business finding any new art supplies :-) )
    The last days before school lets out sure can get hectic.
    Hang in there.

  5. I do like your pretty patterned gelli-fish. The two little ones in the middle seems to be having a good chat.


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