Sunday, May 24, 2015

Some photos from my weekend so far. Its been work (my screen porch floor is coming along) and play and family time.
 After working hard Saturday I took the day off from my project on Sunday to enjoy a  boat cruise on the big lake near us. I love having a lake with several towns on it so you can actually go somewhere, but there was a lot of boat traffic and that made a bit of chop. 
 Lots of other people had the same idea. This is the traffic going through the channel into Paugus Bay.

 Saw this umbrella over a table while I was walking by it. It was worth a photo.
 Me and my daughter. How do you like my new glasses?
Or do you like this pair better?
And although it is terribly dry here, there are some more late spring flowers blooming.
We really need some rain.

And a few more random shots.
A beautiful morning.

How about this grand old dame summer home? And these ladies on the front porch?
And more summer events coming up in a few weeks.
So far its been a good weekend for me, and love the fact it is a long weekend with one more day to go.
Hope yours has been wonderful too.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a great weekend! Love the glasses...mine just broke so now the nose piece is all crooked! Anyway the water looks so peaceful!


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