Friday, May 8, 2015

This Past Week

Happy Friday!
Finally the nice weather arrived in my neck of the woods this week and its given me spring fever. I've  spent some productive evenings in the studio,  but I've  kept the art light. I added a few tags into my tag journal project and made a few cards. I don't know if you remember any of those tags from  late winter, but now I have been journaling with them as you can see in this image. The background on this page is a gelli print I made and then I added some Tim  Holtz word stickers. 
 Here's another page with another tag.
 On the journal page but I used paper, ribbon and some sticky little pearls to make the background, and I tried to tie in the tag so it looked more a part of the page, rather than being an accessory on the page.
And this tag below (one of my favorites) is pasted into the journal and then I used some stamps to finish off the page. I wanted this page to really emphasize the tag, as the centerpiece of the page.

So any big weekend plans? I think my weekend is going to be pretty quiet; they say we could have some much needed rain. My house is a disaster zone right now, and I guess it would be a good time to give at least a little TLC.
But we will see about that. I really need to pick up the studio area so I can work a little more efficiently...I like a bit of a mess (funny, I work better when its not all picked up and neat) but then it spills over into too messy and suddenly I get creative cramps which stop the art dead in its tracks.
Reaching that point right now.
Also if you're a mom in the US, Canada or anyplace else that celebrates Mother's Day this weekend, have a great one.
Thanks to Eva and Kristen for hosting  Paint Party Friday. Stop by to check out all the interesting things people have been working on.
Have a great weekend!


  1. Love what you have made this week, and so pleased that some good weather has found its way to you! Hugs, Valerie

  2. these are all so lovely and wonderfully vibrant - how lucky that the good weather has found its way to you. We are still having 4 seasons in 1 day here in Scotland (and mostly winter at that!) Happy mothers day and have a great weekend.

  3. Gorgeous work this week! I love how they are all so unique, yet definitely your signature style...Love them ALL!!

    Hugs Giggles

  4. the first one i like best along with the words added

    have a nice PPF

    much love...

  5. Really great work you have going here. Love them all. Great color by the way. Happy PPF!

  6. Erika, I really like the "thrive" piece with the gelli print and tag. I had so many tags and didn't use them. This is such a great idea for my own altered book. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Try not to spend all of it cleaning up the art stuff. Your statement about working amidst the mess strikes home. I feel better doing art with everything out at arm's reach.

  7. Great artwork this week Erika! We have got also better weather finally!
    Happy PPF!

  8. wow-these are gorgeous tags and pages Karla!! Love that Julia quote:):) Wishing you a happy Mother's Day and I hope you get to enjoy besides doing some cleaning.

  9. SO sorry- I did it again-probably for the umpteenth time. For whatever reason my brain insists on calling you Karla...and I just know it'll keep happening no matter how hard I try to keep it right. So I hope you can bare with this constant slip. Hugs!

  10. I love your bold use of color. It's funny how we all have our own way of working the best, rather it's a clean spot or a semi-messy one. Blessings!

  11. Great art this week!!! Love all of the pages ♥ My house could use some major TLC also. I've been spending all of my time outside and now I need to get busy in here :(

  12. I'm more for a tidy creative area Erika but then maybe that's why I don't have loose work. I need to lighten up a wee bit.
    Glorious colours here to brighten up the day although the sun is trying to shine.
    Have a wonderful Mother's Day... enjoy!

  13. Glad to hear that you have got spring fever! It makes us to renew us. It seems on your journal pages, beautiful work! I wish you a good Mother´s Day and much joy.

  14. Your pages are so awesome to look with its loose style and the bold colors!! My favorite of all it the birthday cake tag with the yummy strawberries! What a great piece of art and cake, haha ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  15. Beautiful pages, I especially like the cake. You can never go wrong with cake :)


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