Sunday, August 23, 2015

So Much to Do

The saying goes- "So much to do, so little time".
This lady,as well as all these other little bits and bob, were sitting on my work table, which needed a cleaning, so I decide to use them all on a page. The rabbit background is  a Gelli print from my stash, and I thought since rabbits hop around so much, and this lady looks like she has so much s-hopping (pardon my pretty poor pun) to do, it would all work on this journal page. I am linking this page to Art Journal Journey which is hosted this month by Yvonne. This month's theme is time, and the month isn't over yet so stop by and add a page!
So I have started the last few days of my summer break. Back to work on Thursday this week! No kids, this week is for those pre-school starting teacher work days. I guess I am ready, but really probably not. Oh well, you do what you have to do.
So this  journal saying could also apply to me, as I have so much left I want to do before it is back to school and  I really have so little time to do them.
Last Thursday when my husband went to Vermont for a meeting, he asked me to ride along, and I had him drop me off at this place nearby called the Shelburne museum. This museum is  huge- with all these buildings, along with a ship, that were moved to be a part of the museum.  Each building houses a collection of some type of item-fine art, folk art, quilts, dinnerware, carriages, guns, etc. What is amazing is that all these collections belonged to one rich New York City family, in particular the Electra Webb, and after she passed away in the 1960's, this 45 acre museum now houses all these items.
This is a collectors paradise!
So today, I few interesting weather vanes. I have tons of photos, most still need to be gone through, so I will definitely have some more on another day.

That's it for me today! Hope your Sunday is a good day so far. And thanks once again for stopping by my blog.


  1. Wonderful journal page, and love those weather vanes, just great, thanks for sharing ad for joining us again at Art Journal Journey, hugs, Valerie

  2. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your art journal page is lovely. And what a lot of inspiration you brought back with you from the museum!

    Have a lovely week!

  3. You made a wonderful page out of the stuff on your table! Bravo!
    Time really flies - Was it not just a few days ago as you wrote that the holidays start?
    Much too short were this holidays indeed!
    Thank you for the fabulous museums pics!
    Very interesting!


    Happy new week Erika!

  4. A fantastic page made with the things you found on your table, love the rich coloured background.

  5. Wonderful vibrant page!! Love your inspirational photos too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. i so love weather vanes, can´t pass them without making a photo. i found some awesome ones in denmark last year, but your´s are so Special... it would definitely interesting to see more...


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