Monday, August 24, 2015

Time Flies

Oh Monday. I have a busy day ahead, a morning stress test as part of me being a kidney donor (oh so many tests to complete) and then they are coming to fix our Direct TV so we get our TV service back. And they say more clouds. Maybe more rain. It rained hard yesterday but our weatherman said don't cancel your outdoor plans. Only a scattered shower.  Ha-ha. We had headed down to the boat but never made it onto the water or we would have been drenched. So much for the weatherman.
So here's my take on the old saying Time Flies. I am linking this page to  Art Journal Journey. The theme this month is Time.
I decided to make this a summery page to celebrate the fact that summer is still here, but since it is late August, summer days are winding slowly down. I love these sun glass die cuts, and they worked so well with the nautical Gelli printed background. The clouds are actually sparkly but you can't see that here. bad photo-sorry! And I added the 2 little girls since playful childhood also passes quickly. 
OK, so I am being too philosophical.  Stop me please!
So I want to share some more photos of some of the folk art and creative pieces I saw at the Shelburne Museum last week.
 How about this fabulous hooked rug.
 I love salt glazed crocks.  I have a few of my own, but certainly not as old or valuable as these.
This wood  carved eagle has a great look on face.
And then there's Mr. Grumpy pants.

This is a cool carved little display of maple sugaring. 

 Another cool weather wane.  I didn't know I liked weather vanes so much.
And a life sized carved wooden horse.
 This will be me Thursday when I go back to school-ha-ha! And finally, one more weather vane.
Hope your week starts off with lots of good things! 


  1. Your summer sun glasses page is fantastic Erika - and the photos of all those wonderful things in the museum are great! Thank you so much for sharing and thanks a lot for another wonderful entry!
    You rock the "time" collection this month Erika!

  2. Wonderful page! Don't you just love how the weather folks get paid to guess!?!

  3. Wonderful journal page, great ideas again! Thanks for joining us at AJJ. And thanks for sharing those gorgeous photos, especially the one of you ready to go back to school, I know that feeling! Good luck with the stress tests, hugs, Valerie

  4. Not really scattered showers there yesterday, but it was okay, can always find something to make ourselves happy. Nice sunglasses, what a hoot. Good luck on your stress test! I am sure you will do so well, you are pretty relaxed...xox

  5. You can almost feel a the heat from your awesome Journal page, love how you added all the sun glasses, they look brilliant.

  6. LOVE your summer filled page Erika!! I am feeling the summer slowly fading away too and am trying to hold on to it as long as I can. Thanks for sharing the wonderful variety of art on display too. Good luck with your tests:)

  7. This was a great look back for 2nd on the 2nd, Erika. This post was before I joined the T-party. But I was a member of the group when you donated an organ. I was thinking of this fact when I chose the tea tag sentiment I put on your ATC for the 5th T-party birthday.

    Hugs, Eileen


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