Tuesday, August 25, 2015


This is a pre-post because I am dreading today.  I am off to help move my mom into assisted living. Not sure if I will need to spend the night down there, or if I can come home (hope for being able to come home). I am having a lot of mixed emotions about the fact that she can no longer live in her home alone, and also hoping she can deal with this move without a lot of confusion and stress. I am also worried how today will actually go, and I hope smoothly. My mom has been in her house for 50 years and this will be hard on her.
So no art today, but since I have shown you some folk art and other arty views from my museum trip last Thursday (the Shelburne Museum in Vermont), today I will show you more about the museum itself.

A view of the museum out of window from one of the museum buildings.
 There's an old steam powered paddle boat there too.  Along with a lighthouse from Lake Champlain.
And a covered bridge too.
The grounds are very pretty and the gardens are gorgeous.

 Just don't feed the ducks and watch out for those stinging bugs.
 But otherwise, I enjoyed the beautiful day and the colors of summer.

This is all for me today. Hope you enjoyed this little journey. 
Keep your fingers crossed for me that this move with my mom goes well!
And thanks for stopping by!


  1. What a wonderful place, thanks for sharing the great photos. I will be thinking of you today when you take your Mom to her new place, and hope that she will be happy there. I have to go to the dentist o get a tooth pulled! Hugs, Valerie

  2. A wonderful museum... I enjoyed all this lovely photos ! Thank you Erika!
    Finger crossed that everything will go well for your mom !!!!

  3. The gardens there are quite pretty. A place I could sit for quite a while. xox


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