Thursday, September 3, 2015

I Am a Spy

Once again I thought I would share some photos I snapped like a paparazzi when we went out in our boat last weekend. 
I don't know if you can see this very well.  But it was a Great Gatsby weekend out on the Isle of Shoals (which is a group of small island 6 miles of the New Hampshire and Maine shoreline.) There was a bunch of people dressed up in vintage 1920's attire. Maybe if you take a magnifying glass you can see them clearly...ha-ha.
 You can just make out the straw boater hats on the guys.  Even if you can't make out the details, it is just fun seeing  all these people picnicking on the lawn.
 And here they are on the ferry back to the mainland. 
 And strolling along the shore.
These teenage boys were not with the Gatsby crowd.  They were charging out in their little  boat and then turning inland and jumping the waves. They got some serious air, but I never caught a photo of that. I bet they were having a lot of fun.
 I love these 2! What personalities I think they have.
And this river is the border between Maine and New Hampshire. These lobster men are out getting some lobsters-so people like me can enjoy lobster rolls perhaps?

And how about this youthful sailor?
 And there are always fisher people.
And fishing dogs too!

Row, row, row your boat!
 Running on the low tide sand.
And discussing who knows what.
These photos make me wish I was off on summer break again.
But long weekend is about to come up!
See you tomorrow I hope.


  1. Love the photos, what fun seeing those 'Gatsby' folk, great! And I always love the boating dogs, they seem to love it! Thanks for sharing those enviable views. Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie

  2. I like to see the photos- thank you Erika!
    Beach-life is just super!!
    Good that you have a long weekend in sight!

  3. Makes me want summer to last and last. Fun doggie run at the beach this morning. Ella off leash and her favorite beau galloping down the sand. No one around - it was great to let her loose for a good run. I haven't been out to the Isles of Shoals in forever....xox


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