Friday, September 4, 2015

Yahoo! Friday!

Happy Friday everyone! This week has been exhausting, but it is almost the weekend! And here in the US, it is even better than the weekend because it is a long weekend!
Got to love it!
So today I have a page that I am linking to Paint Party Friday. Thanks to Kristen and Eva for hosting.
I am also linking this page to Art Journal Journey. Thanks to Corrine for hosting this month's theme of windows.

 I created this journal page on a background that I had used some watered down pinkish acrylic paint. I love how when I added the windows it reminded me of a stucco or adobe building. I also added the black mask circles and the stenciled green ferns. I like that bright pop of green. It makes me happy.
And speaking of windows, I thought this was a really cool reflection in this large window at a local shipyard. Looks to me like some kind of electronic billboard.
And before I sign off for the day, thought I would share this gorgeous sunset. Seems appropriate as a hot late summer week winds down.
Not sure exactly what's on my agenda this weekend, but I am hoping to start reading a new book I have, I want to do some sewing and I think we're going to do a little boating too. But mostly I just want a low key weekend, so even if I don't do anything, that would be OK too.
So hope everyone has a nice weekend, and hope you have something fun to do too, whatever your idea of fun is. 
You should stop by both  Paint Party Friday and Art Journal Journey to see some great art. And of course, thanks for visiting my blog too!


  1. Hello, what great work. Do enjoy your long weekend, greetings!

  2. The pages makes me happy as well Erika! Great colors and contrasts! Super!
    THANK YOU FOR thinking and having ideas and making art for Art Journal Journey again even if you are busy again with school!
    The photos are gorgeous - especially the sunset warms my heart!
    Have a happy weekend - enjoy!

  3. Wonderful journal page for our windows theme, and great photos - love the reflections in the building. Have a nice day, and thanks a lot for joining us at Art Journal Journey. Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  4. Your window additions do look like adobe to me. Those windows on the shipyard do look like a giant info board, cool shot. Have a happy weekend. Kids are coming to hang out and eat lobstah and walk on the beach. xox

  5. Very creative window page. I love the green you used also.
    Happy PPF, and have a great weekend ♥

  6. Love this collaged piece!!!!!!!!!!

  7. brilliant work Erika! It does look VERY much like an old stucco building and I love old buildings. Hooray for a long weekend-enjoy, and thank you for that gorgeous sunset!

  8. It is easy to get stuck inside with all that needs to be done. Your wonderful artwork reminds me to step outside the door, take a walk, look out a window. Thank you! :D

  9. Your art looks like a very cool monoprint. It's absolutely top class for the theme. I've just followed your "instruction", it is twilight with just a streak of light still on the horizon and it is raining.
    Hope you have a great weekend doing just what you want to do.

  10. This is really pretty. I love the colors and the sentiment. Nice photos as well.

  11. I'm in complete AWE of your beautiful mixed media art. The windows are wonderful, the building looks like stucco to me, too, and the colors are painterly. I was so impressed with this when I saw it.

    Sounds like you are going to enjoy your three day weekend. I may even get a chance to catch my breath one of the three days.

    Had to laugh at your comment when you wrote "I hope you will have some more posts about this project." I've been working on this altered book since 2004, so there will be lots and lots and lots more posts on this project. But since I've spent over nine months "in" Argentina, I feel it's time to move on.

  12. I think I forgot to mention to have a great weekend.

  13. Great work Erka. Great photos. Have a great weekend.

  14. Beautiful how discrete the prints are, wrapping up the nature out the window. Good job!

    Hugs Giggles


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