Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Critters Small and Hungry

I've been laying low with my head cold the last couple of days. Thanks to all of you who sent well wishes, and I must say they worked, along with orange juice, vitamin C and lots of naps. I am back up on my feet today with just a few little lingering minor symptoms. 
So besides napping, reading and zoning out in front of the tv, I sat outside for awhile yesterday as it was such a nice day.  The birds and this one little chipmunk were busy at the bird feeders.

 Look at the size of those cheeks.  I wonder how  many dollars worth of seeds he tucks away every day?

If I had felt better I should have done raking and cleaning up in the yard. I suppose I can add that to the list for this up coming weekend. Cross one thing off and add at least another.
Oh my!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. What gorgeous photos, especially love the cheeky chipmunk. Glad you are slowly feeling better, but please look after yourself and take it easy! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Oh gosh! Wonderful photos Erika!
    Fab that you feel a bit better!
    Keep care and get well soon!
    oxo Susi

  3. Just catching up, sorry you are feeling crappy especially with this weather, must be back to school with the kids spreading germs- ughhhhhh. Have you ever seen a chipmunk that wasn't gorging at the feeder, I do love them so. Nice woodpecker too. Feel better. xox

  4. Your photos are sensational. The close-ups are incredible. Seeing the antics of the chipmunk made me laugh.

    Glad you are feeling a bit better. I'm sure all those good wishes were the cure. OK, maybe it was the OJ and rest that really did the trick (grin).

  5. Hello Erika, I hope you are fully well by now. I am sure all the critters cheered you up! I love that chipmunk with its cheeks full of seeds!

  6. i wish my camera would make Close ups like These! such a delight to watch them!
    take care of yourself!


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