Monday, November 2, 2015

The Joy of Cutting Round 2

Ta-da!November has arrived! One thing I will say about November is that it usually is a pretty quiet month before all the holiday hoopla starts.I am looking forward to putting on my pj's after I get home from work, having fires in the fireplace and breathing a bit before sliding into those manic holidays..

Today is the second of November and that means it the second on the second over on Elizabeth's blog Altered Book Lover. Here's a page I made last year and showed in you in my post The Joy of Cutting.
Here's the link for this particular post on Elizabeth's blog.:Second on the Second
So I spent my weekend with a nasty head cold. Ugh! Yesterday I slept until lunchtime and then got as far as my couch. Today I am home, feeling somewhat better but not perfect. Plus I have hardly any voice. E-gads! I don't I think I've had such a bad head cold in a long time. Maybe that explains last weeks sour mood...
Never fun to spend the weekend sick.
Though I did manage to watch a movie, read a bit and sleep a lot.
None of that can be that bad, can it?
But I am hopefully on the mend...

Nothing more to say. Need to blow my nose.
Happy Monday!


  1. What a fun journal page for Second on the 2nd! Sorry to hear you were feeling poorly over the weekend...but glad to hear you are on the mend.

  2. Love the piece you chose for a second look. Sorry you have had a bad weekend, and hope you are soon feeling much better, hugs, Valerie

  3. Great journal page, I'm glad you chose it to share on this Second Look. Are those faces stamped? Very cool!

  4. So many faces on this fabulous gelli printed page - good to look back to this - thank you for sharing again, since I didn't see it in the past Erika! I am sorry to hear that you feel that bad! Hope you get well soon -
    Thinking of you!


  5. I'm delighted your mood has shifted, and you are feeling better. So glad for that, but sorry to read you have a nasty head cold. I have the sniffles, but I'm not letting it bother me.

    Your wonderful Joy of Cutting post is wonderful. You must love to cut, because I am not all that good at it.

    Thanks for joining Second on the 2nd, because I'm so new to your blog, everything is a new and unique experience. I adore this page and thanks for digging it up to share with us.

  6. Enjoyed seeing your journal post!I like the colorful background--it really makes the heads pop!

  7. Really fun seeing this great page Erika.
    Those ladies are very cool.
    Sorry you got hit by a bug.
    Mr Magpie came down with what sounds very similar and it hit him hard. My mission was to keep my distance so he wouldn't/couldn't share it with me.
    Hope you are feeling much much better very soon!

  8. So sorry to hear about not being well over the weekend - what rotten luck! I hope you recover fully soon! I love the journal page! Chrisx

  9. It is a lovely page Erika!Hope you get well soon!Take care!

  10. Sweet faces on your page. Really like this alot. Been doing so much sewing to fill my etsy and for the York table my head hasn't come up for air. xox


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