Thursday, January 28, 2016

Baking Up Memories

Last evening I was all excited to have the house to myself. I expected I would dabble with paints and Sharpies for several hours. But after a day of new students (hard to really know on day one but they look pretty good) I came home, collapsed on the couch and napped.  Of course the phone rang 8 times during my one hour nap-my daughter, my husband, my brother and 5 political surveys, and then when I really woke up I decided reading on the couch and watching the last episode of Indian Summers was what I wanted to do. So since I wrote this post last night, in my lazy couch potato mode, I decided I would follow the same thought process on my post.
***Warning- today I am taking an art break and have a food post!***

So lately I have been thinking a lot about my dad. He passed away 12 years ago. This might be because his birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks. On February 9th he would be 92 years old.
My dad's favorite cake, which I used to bake on occasion for his birthday or some other times I wanted to bake, was a cherry walnut pound cake. Not  just any type of cherry, but those red, top your sundae, maraschino cherries.
And I have been craving it.
So last weekend I decided it was time to bake another one.
 While you whip the pound of butter and the pound of sugar (hence the name pound cake for those you who aren't familiar with this type of cake), crack open 6 eggs and then add them one at a time to your butter sugar mixture.
 Finally add a pound of flour to you mixture, and then after they are mixed add a little vanilla.
Now you are ready to add the walnuts and some chopped maraschino cherries.

Mix, put into your 10 cup pan (like an angel food or bundt pan) or into 2 load pans and bake for around 1- 1 1/2 hours in a 325 degree Fahrenheit oven.
The beauty about a pound cake is it is easy to freeze and doesn't need to be frosted. 
I don't make pound cakes often enough. I haven't made this one in years!

 I recently bought myself a heart shaped bundt pan so out of love for my dad, I used it to bake my cake.
 Didn't it come out pretty?
 And it tastes yummy!
Would you like a piece?
Thanks for visiting!


  1. Oh yeeeeessssssssssss! I would like a piece!!!
    This cake must be delicious and the form is amazing!


  2. Yummy, yes, I would like a LARGE piece please, I am hungry today. Glad you were able to make yourself something nice and to remember your Dad, that's lovely. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Erika, you make an art out of baking. I was mesmerized as I read and clicked on each of the photos. You make it look so easy with all your baking equipment and skills. That new bundt pan is not only lovely, but simply an incredible design. I had NO idea they made them that design, so I was really impressed by that, not to mention the shape you got from it in the end.

    What a feast to wake to this morning. It's a genuine beauty, and I bet your father is looking down and smiling from heaven on that cherry pound cake.

  4. What a lovely post...
    I can almost smell your gorgeous cake from here in Virginia :-)
    That certainly IS a wonderfully special ♥ shaped cake.
    We have a similar recipe that is just plan poundS cake as we call it.
    Enjoy * Enjoy oxo

  5. Funny where are memories take us. I drove past where my dad worked in Newington yesterday and it was like he was saying hello(he would have been 90 later this year). What a beautiful cake you made, great pan that you have there. I hope you enjoyed every bite! xox


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