Friday, January 29, 2016

When It Is a Long Winter

Happy Friday everyone! Its been a busy week for me with  finals and then new classes starting at school, my husband having a scary drug treatment to suppress his immune system ( and him having to leave the house at 3 AM-waking me up too), and last night the club which I am one of the advisers was having a fund raising talent show. I am ready for the weekend to be here!
I am linking this post up to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristen!
here's my last link to Art Journal Journey this month. Chrissie chose the theme winter wonderland, and I thought I would end the month with a journal page about the end of winter. I was thinking about those days in March  when the air warms up like late spring but there is still all this snow or mud left on the ground. How the melting can seem to take forever. 
Some of you might be able to relate to that!
The background is made from paint, spray ink and stencils. The snow is layers of white molding paste. The man is cut out from an art post card of one of Marc Chagall's paintings. Unfortunately I cut the man out of the postcard and threw out the rest,  and I can't remember the name of this piece. I can't find it either doing an internet search, which seems strange to me. Maybe I am really losing it and it is not from a Chagall painting!  Ha-ha! I find Marc Chagall's work very dreamlike and inspiring.
And I hand cut these flowers and added them to the snow.
Flowers popping up from the snow would  be a good thing and might help make that end of season dirty snow not look so bad.
So any big plans this weekend?  Not sure what is on my agenda but right now, since I was too busy to actually even think about weekend plans,  but I am really OK with just hanging home.
Whatever you are up to, I hope you have some fun !


  1. What a perfectly PERFECT way to finish this month's AJJ challenge. I like how the man is kicking the snow out of the way, and the spring flowers are trying to peep through the snow. This is simply gorgeous and one of my favorites from your AJJ choices this month.

    Hope you get some much needed rest over the weekend, and your hubby's immune system gets straightened out.

  2. Love your end of winter journal page, I have often longed to be able to kick bad weather out and replace it with something like spring! Hope the treatment for your OH goes well, have a good weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. Oh, I hear you!

    So easy to relate to your feelings! I'll come and kick the snows away with your charming gentleman and give air to your beautiful flowers!

    Hope your husband is feeling better.

  4. A beautiful last page for our AJJ collection dear Erika! Love the texture and the happy trousers of this man are simply adorable!
    I looked through my M.Chagall book but only found another picture with also windows on a trouser. I didn't recognize that he had a weakness for this kind of trousers.
    Enjoy your weekend!
    oxo Susi

  5. Oh yes, I can relate to your feelings here. I so much long for Spring too. March, April the earliest I can hope for. But, it really is something we can look forward to, so hang in there. :)

  6. I love your art because it is very well done and also because there is always some fun or important message. This humorous page is brilliant. Erika.
    Have a joyful weekend ♥

  7. I was really attracted to that dapper fellow in his spring colored pants.
    You've created such a vibrant piece Erika with lots of movement and interest = very cool!
    Hope your husband's treatment goes well. That 3am wake up must have been hard!
    Here's to a relaxing weekend.
    p.s. before our blizzard and 28" of snow I snapped a photo of daffodils in the side garden that were actually forming buds. What must they be thinking heehee

  8. A fantastic page to end all of the terrific support you have given me at AJJ for the winter wonderland theme.

    I just love the yellow checked trousers-brilliant.

    Thank you for joining us.

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. I love the guy kicking that snow, making room for a change :)

  10. What a wonderful, fun winter art piece! Yes, I am all for kicking winter out of here. My gravel driveway seems like it will never melt. All the neighbors who have asphalt have clear driveways. You probably got more than I did, though.

  11. Oh I can SO relate! Love your page, I could picture myself there trying to kick out all the snow:):) Hope things are progressing well with your hubby. Have a wonderful, restful weekend!

  12. Enjoy your weekend. Sounds like you've earned it.
    I like the guy kicking the huge snowball, and it's so appropriate for this time of year. Most especially for all the people on the east coast who had that monster snowfall just a few days ago.

  13. A fantastic end of winter journal page, that guy looks like he is enjoying himself.

  14. This is a fun and lively piece. I like Chagall too, but don't recall seeing the painting you are referring to either. Thanks for the visit to my blog and Happy PPF!

  15. I love the bold colour and the movement of the piece. I love the layers and textures too. Wonderful!

  16. Nice! some plough, some kick. i think the kicking though might be more fun for clearing the snow

    Have a nice weekend

    much love...

  17. Love this. I am not sure why but their is something Parisienne about this image--even though it is a man. So neat--kick that snow out of here!! I am done too. Very nice work. xo

  18. I saw your comment on today's post, now it's my turn to babble. I looked in my vast number of art books I own to see if I could find the Chagall. At first, I thought it might have been a postman, because of the cap. But that led nowhere. About all I can say is, it definitely looks like a Chagall, but with no reference to anything else, I'm a bit lost. It certainly doesn't look like his cubism or surrealism stages. I did, however, look.

    I also have been watching our weather and yesterday Wichita was in the thick of the big bad storm. Sort of on the "winter mix" cusp, where areas to the left had up to "feet" of snow, and those to the right were soaking in rain. The thin band of winter mix went right through Wichita. Haven't seen today's forecast, but was thinking about doing something for Groundhog day until I realized I had my Second on the 2nd post. I will have to mention it some other time, I guess.

  19. What happened? I was writing along and all of a sudden blogger decided to post my comment. The last thing I wanted to say was, I thought of you when I was creating the page. I wanted to say "see Erika, I don't get the gelli at all!"

    NOW I'm finished.

  20. I'd love to kick winter into touch too Erika,
    We had a snow flurry here this morning and I need spring.
    Your vibrant journal page certainly gave a boost of colour to my day.
    Happy PPF to you

  21. Gosh, Erika, this is terrific. The man kicking up the snow is such fun and I love the idea of colourful flowers popping up in the white snow. And that's also a great idea - the end of AJJ's winter theme and your artwork celebrating the end of winter.
    The bright swirly background and the molding paste snow are super too.
    Top marks for this one!
    Sending best wishes to your husband, hope his treatment works well.

  22. Oh yes! Kick that cold weather away and let the flowers bloom! This is brilliant! Chrisx

  23. This is great looks like the guy is kicking winter to the curb... Love the rich colour and the collage aspect great work! Love it!
    Hope you gets some rest soon!

    Hugs Giggles

  24. Your end of winter journal page looks gorgeous! Love the texture and the guy with the checkered trousers.

    Have a lovely weekend!
    Gaby xo

  25. I agree kick the cold weather away. Great perception on ending winter.

  26. Kicking winter away! I'm still waiting for it to finally start properly! So far, we've had just a couple of days of cold and snow, and the rest feels like spring. But I haven't given up hope entirely.
    Love your piece, though, so much great texture and details. Hope spring comes soon for you (and some winter here).

  27. Congrats on being the featured artist this Friday on PPF. I love your page! The man is so cool with his "kick". I got a kick out of it myself! Thanks for telling about how you did the pieces that make the whole.

  28. Gosh, I love the fun here, nice art!!!

  29. Happy PPF to you too! And when I see your funny page, I am happy immediatelly ;) Love the Chagall Style how he is kicking the ball, haha...and his trousers are and eyecatcher for sure ♥ Conny

  30. I love the artwork and the thoughts behind it. You have captured the essence of the day. You must live in N. New Hampshire. My girlfriend in the south doesn't have snow yet. . .I believe they are to get some today (Fri). Thank you for explaining what you did in the painting. I've used modeling paste for snow too. Blessings, Janet PPF

  31. Congrats on the feature Erika! Fantastic project! Happy painting!

  32. Congratulations on being featured at PPF. Your humourous art page is great. It reminds me of a You Tube video I saw last year of a woman struggling through the snow from her car to her front door. After slipping, sliding and half-climbing over a snow bank, she caught sight of a snowman and knocked his block off.

  33. This is my first visit here. Wow! Your artwork is beautiful. Really admire your style, and all those textures in this painting are fantastic.

  34. Congrats o being selected for the PPF artist of the week. A very evocative piece. The forecast predicts arctic freeze here in NJ and I can totally relate to what your art is saying.


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