Thursday, January 7, 2016

Being a Kid

Here's my latest piece for Art Journal Journey. This month the theme is Winter Wonderland hosted by Chrissie.
I went playful on this piece. I had been cleaning off a snow stencil and there was some pink paint out on my table, so I decided to stencil pink snow on the blank page.  Then that lead me to the idea of a pink snowman, and the rest of it you can see right here. You can just barely make out the sparkles on the snowman's body if you look in his bottom ball, but if the winter light was better you'd be able to see how I added some white dry glitter to him and how he sparkles in the light.
Pink snow is magical after all.
I love how the pink snow on the bottom of this page dripped and blopped and came out looking kind of like pink frosting. Maybe its time to bake a pink frosted cake! I actually got asked the other day to make a small wedding cake for a friend's daughter's wedding.  Not sure I will do it, a wedding is a lot of pressure, but its just nice being asked.
I finally caught up with last weekend's opening episode of Downton Abbey and I've got some episodes left to Indian Summer which I am also watching. The book reading is coming along just fine, art is keeping me sane and work is the usual too busy...I guess I am really back into the swing of life now that the holidays are really over.
Thanks for visiting today-and let me know if you see any pink snowmen around.


  1. I haven't seen any pink snowmen, but a few pink elephants have been sighted around town!

    This is one cute and sassy snowman. I'm not sure that smile of his doesn't belie his mood. I think you had FUN with this one!

  2. That's a cute pink snowman. It is exactly 1 week into our new year.

  3. I LOVE the idea of pink snow, just great. Thanks for linking your fun page to Art Journal Journey! Enjoy your reading and watching the videos, have fun. Hugs, Valerie

  4. I wonderf if he tastes sweet? Maybee strawberry flavour?
    Sweet and yummie page!
    I am also back in the normal swing of life as thankfully school began here today !
    I am sure you would make the most delicious and good looking wedding cake - take the plunge!

  5. True magic .. makes me think of strawberry ice cream ... looks good enough to eat. hugs, Donna

  6. Love this fantasy pink snow world and the wonderful snowman

    Thank you for another terrific page at Art Journal Journey

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. I think your pink snowman looks fantastic, he would brighten up many winter days.

  8. And pink bubblegum! xox

  9. Such a fun and playful snow man Erika!
    With the mention of frosting and cake I'm getting hungry.
    Indian Summer was such a wonderful series and I am excited that Downtown has started up again. It will be hard to see it go.

  10. I love your pink snow and your super happy snowman!!

  11. This is so much fun! I have 2 daughters who are both tomboys, so there is NO pink in our house! LOL!

  12. I love your pink snowman -and a pink cake sounds good too! I hope you enjoy Downton - will you get the final Christmas episode too. ..or will they make you wait until next Christmas -although it wasn't specifically Christmas! Hugs, Chrisx

  13. Your pink snowman and pink snow is tremendous. He thinks so too, I can see by his happy smile.
    Maybe pink snow doesn't melt so quickly?


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