Wednesday, January 6, 2016


A little splash of yellow sunshine and a spring bloom. Maybe I should have named this page wishes rather than cheers.
This page started with paint and stencils. Then I added some die cuts, a flower cut out of a post card and finally the stamped image. I love this couple. What a great stamp. I believe it is an image from Paper Bag Studios. Remember them? I looked them up and they are still around, but in my neck of the woods I haven't heard much about them in a long time.
Wednesday is here. Not a very exciting week. Just going to work and coming home and batting down the hatches to hold in the heat. But we are suppose to see a little bit of a warming trend as the week goes on, and maybe even see some light snow or rain this weekend. Good weather to play in the studio and snuggle on the couch with tea and my latest read.
It is helping me get a little excited for an  adventure I've planned.
Have a great day everybody and thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. I'm liking the splash of bright colours. Have a nice day!

  2. Your pAGE is lovely, good to see signs of spring and hope! Enjoy your reading, and hope to learn more about your new plans....Hugs, Valerie

  3. Hi Erika, over here the weather is getting hotter. We do get rain on and off days.

  4. Your page is beautiful, Erika!
    Hope that 2016 will bring you health, happiness, joy, peace and an endless stream of creativity! Happy New Year!

  5. Your page is beautiful Erika! Enjoy the book and I hope the rest of the week is good to you!

  6. I had planned to visit sooner, but right after 1 a.m. yesterday, my electricity went off. It came back on a short time ago, so now I'm trying to catch up with everyone.

    I'm so glad you shared a page that had warmth in it. I'm STILL freezing from many hours without heat and light. So I'll cheer this entry, too.

    It's supposed to get even colder the last of the week, and the weekend is apparently filled with more ice and snow. Maybe it will all fizzle out before it gets to you next week. Please DO stay warm!


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