Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Frosted Windowpanes

BRRRR! My windowpanes are certainly frosted this morning. How I'd much rather crawl back into bed or sip a big cup of tea next to the wood stove than to have to head out into my car!
So I have a chilly journal page for you today. I am linking this page to Art Journal Journey. This month's theme is Winter Wonderland. Chrissie, our hostess, picked an appropriate topic for sure!
So I had this 12x12 piece of paper with icicles on it which I used as my background. I then tore up this red striped paper and made an abstract window frame. This paper reminds me of a scarf which is one I reason I used it.
Then I added white snowflakes (stenciled with paint), some tape, a fabric snowflake, a stamped image and a plastic snowflake to finish it off.
And since it is a chilly morning, the kind for a thick hand knitted sweater, thought I'd also show you some bits of the Christmas stocking I am knitting.
 I love knitting Christmas stockings with scraps of yarn and designing my own patterns as I go. Last year I made 3, and I am going to finish this one off soon.  I am not making them for anyone in particular, just knitting for the love of knitting.
 Lots of bright colors, and this one has a lot of pink in it. Its a great exercise in playing not only with color combinations but also how those colors work with different patterns.
 Here's  2 of the 3 I made last year. We used 2 of them during Christmas 2014. The middle red and white one I also knitted several years ago.  I made the red and blue one on the right for my dog. What a lucky pup she is to have a hand made stocking!
And finally since is is Tuesday, I have a digital piece I made for Elizabeth's weekly post T Stands for Tuesday.
Have a great day!


  1. Happy T Day! Love your tea piece, and the page for art journal journey is wonderful, very stylish - thanks so much for joining us again. Your stockings are fantastic, I would wear them, not hang them up! They look so bright and cozy, Hugs, Valerie

  2. The colourful scarves are very pretty!

  3. that is a wonderfully frosty page at the top! Your stockings are so beautiful-I wish I could knit but have tried many times and just can't get the hang of it so I'll stick with crochet:) Beautiful T day digital piece too. Happy T day and stay warm!

  4. I can only imagine how long it took you to knit the beautiful stockings! It is nice to give a handmade touch to Christmas decorations.

    Great digital collage for T Day!

  5. I adore your frosted window pane -- Jack frost does some great work and so do you. I have fallen absolutely head over heals in love with your beautiful stockings! I'm actually droooooling. They are STUNNING. A lovely post. hugs, Donna

  6. Great tea quote and digi piece Erika.
    Your knitted stockings are fabulous.
    Oh my they really are beautiful and I can imagine (altho I do not knit) how meditative it must be creating them.
    I have a 'thing' for icicles. The page you created does give a nice winter wonderland feel.
    Stay warm and Happy T Day oxo

  7. I remember frosted window panes and the wonderful patterns on them..a great idea for your page. Love the knitting as well.

    Thank you for joining in again at Art a Journal Journey

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. Oh what gorgeous knitted stockings!! love the colors and varied patterns. Happy T day...and a very Happy New Year!

  9. BRRRR! I'm with you Erika. It's cold outside and the icicles are still hanging around. So I can agree with you that this AJJ entry is really frosty, just like some of my windowpanes. LOVE the snowflake flower!

    Really like the stockings, and I'm impressed that you come up with your own patterns and designs. They are certainly unique and color friendly.

    Of course, I was really happy to see you sharing T with us this week. I loved your digital art, and it is really true, too. Thanks for sharing this beauty, as well as your AJJ entry and stockings with us for T this Tuesday.

  10. I love your page Erika ( THANK YOU VERY MUCH for joining Art Journal Journey! ) and your x-mas stockings are super.. wow..and even the dog owns her own one?! Lucky little girl!!
    The digital piece is gorgeous - love the quote... it looks like caffe latte to me in this big cup , also something that warms the soul ....
    Hope your day was good - we have also got a lot of snow now..wonderful winter feeling right now.

  11. You can't go wrong with a stocking that'll stretch ;)

    Happy T Tuesday!

  12. What great knitting. Frosty is right, not sure my nose survived our two river walks today. Pups had coats for the first one. xox

  13. Your icicle window page is great. You are so clever to make up your own patterns for the stockings--wow!
    Just saw "You can't buy happiness but you can buy a fountain pen, which is kind of the same thing" a couple days ago--which fits me better than tea--ROFL! Glad I made it around this week. Happy T-Day! :)

  14. so far we had no icicles this winter, but i like your page, as well as the coffee Piece! but what i´m most in awe with are These Patterns of the knitted socks!!! just great!!
    happy belated t-day!

  15. WOW!! You are very skilled with knitting. I am still at a beginner skill level after several years.
    We have frosted over windows this morning. The cat had to lick a spot to look out. BRRR!!
    Happy T day...way late!

  16. Love your page and your stockings!The coffee art is adorable!Happy T day:)!


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