Sunday, January 17, 2016

Making Travel Journal Part 2

If you missed part 1 and want to check it out, you can click here Making a Travel Journal Part 1. I am heading to Taos, New Mexico in late February and want a journal to bring with me. I am still  creating my journal and thought I would show you my next steps in this process.
This photo shows the front  cover and part of the binding. The cover is made of heavy board and I painted it blue, used clear molding paste with a stencil over the blue, and then rubbed some watered down gold paint. The binding is made with aluminum tape that I painted this bold orange. I like those colors and want it to look like the colors of New Mexico.
I had this little Southwestern heart in my stash. It was silver metal and I used paint on it. I kind of hope it will get rubbed a bit when I pack it and some of the paint will wear down. If not, I might give it a sanding when I come home. Or maybe even before I go.
This is the inside of my cover.  I am not sure I like it right now or not.  It is a painted background with 3 layers of stenciling. I might take some watered down gold paint like on the cover and give it a wash. Or  maybe it needs a little texture too. Or maybe I will just leave it. What do you think?
Here's is my inside cover. I need to add a "title" but otherwise this is done. I added the TH found relative photo and the frame because I like the idea of my journal having some personality.
 I stamped the lizards on the corners of this painted page. To make it a little less flat I added a painted stencil image.  I used a light orange paint to match the background. I wanted depth, not really a bold image.
I really like how this worked out so I did the same thing on a few other pages too.
 I embossed this trim, colored it and cut it out. You can see the wet matte medium in this photo.
 And then  here's the page with the stenciling.
 My Zia sun page.
 Now with just a bit of stenciling too. It is really subtle.
I used a different stencil with the same orange paint here.
And one more page today. I added the details on the right around the number 2 by stamping the black design and then added some painted details.
That's where I am at with my journal right now. More another day.
Thanks for visiting, and I hope your week starts off in a bright and colorful way!


  1. Really wonderful, what a unique and lovely journal you have created. Have a good new week, hugs, Valerie

  2. Wow.. this is such a happy - artsy project! I am thrilled about it Erika!
    Happy new week!

  3. I do like your travel journal, both the idea and how you have made the cover and painted the pages. It makes such a difference to have the pages ready prepared, only snag I found when I do this is that some of the pages turn out "too good" to journal over. I can see that this might be the case with some of your lovely pages, like the last one you show here.

  4. You get a LOT of mileage out of your stencils, paint, and stamps. It seems you are always creating layers upon layers upon layers of each page you make. This is going to be a fantastic journal you can take with you in February. Color me amazed!


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