Tuesday, January 19, 2016

My Morning Cuppa

The long weekend has become history, and here's where I will be soon (or depending when you read this, where I am or was). This is my desk at school with  the stack of papers I didn't get graded over the weekend and my plastic cup from Fenway Park.   Fenway Park is the historic home of the Boston Red Sox baseball team, but I wasn't at a baseball game when I acquired this cup. In January they sometimes turn the baseball field into a hockey rink and have a series of games called the Winter Classic.  A few years back my college hockey team was playing in the Winter Classic and we went, and I bought a cup of hot coco in this cup. Even though we were outside it wasn't very cold; we got lucky at it was 55 degrees Fahrenheit in January in Boston.
And we won the game too! That's always an added bonus.
Anyhow, enough about a hockey game that happened 4 years ago. I am showing you my cup because it is Tuesday which means Elizabeth is hosting T Stands for Tuesday  .This is my morning cup of tea that gets me started at work. Right now I just have some plain old black tea-Lipton to be exact! But it is still a good way to get a work day started.

And to go with this tea I WISH I had another piece of this birthday cake right now.(Not that I need it, the winter pounds are starting to show up-GRRRR). This is from this past Saturday at my mother-in-law's 82nd  birthday party.
We all went out to a restaurant and had lunch and celebrated.
There were 17 of us- all 3 of my mother-in-laws children, their spouses, all of her 5 grandchildren, 3 boyfriends of the grandchildren, and the parents of 1 of the boyfriends who live out in New York state and happen to be in town this weekend visiting their son. We like this restaurant because they have this HUGE table that sits us all comfortably in its own private little alcove.
Because it is in the town I teach in, I also ran into 3 former students who are now out in the working/college world. It was great to see them too.
Here's a few more photos.

You can see the little snow we got that morning. This is where we ate in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
 And a cool reflection.
The rest of my long weekend I literally stayed home in my sweatpants and did some cleaning (maybe not fun but always good to get it done), watched bits some other football playoff games, did a bunch of knitting while I watched those games and made some art (which is always fun). Oh yes and I had to shovel since yesterday we got a bit of snow in the morning.
Now I am back at school and the last week of this semester is starting. In a week these students will be gone and I'll get a whole new faces, but the exciting part is my pet microbiology class is starting. It is a junior/senior elective and I just love teaching this class.
How is your week going so far?


  1. Looks like you have plenty to keep you busy with those papers- The birthday cake looks wonderful, drool, and it looks like you all had a good time at the party. Enjoy your hot drinks, stay warm, happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  2. seems you had a beautiful bday Party with Family... have fun with your microbiology class! happy t-day!

  3. I love the back story behind the cup that now holds tea. Looks like you pick many winning teams, like your hockey team and now the Pats. Gosh you have a lot going on at school. I can't believe what teachers have to do in addition to their "9-5" job. If you punched a time clock, you would be paid double time on the weekends. Wouldn't that be nice?

    Looks like your birthday and belated Christmas bash turned out fun, fun, fun. Your MIL looks quite young for her age, and what a turnout you managed.

    Thanks for sharing your tea, your cake, your extra pounds (like I need those!), and your wonderful weekend with us for T this Tuesday. Hope your school day is just as fun as you've made this post. BTW, loved the photos, even the ones with snow.

  4. wow what a large gathering and a super party for your dear MIL's birthday! Sounds like a wonderful long weekend all around. I'm looking forward to hearing about your new class-sounds really interesting! Stay warm and a happy T day too.

  5. Looks like you had a wonderful birthday celebration with family members. The birthday cake look yummy!

  6. What a fun and festive birthday celebration with yummy cake too!
    Great photos Erika...the bee sign in the last photo has me intrigued.
    Had to giggle about you all enjoying a 60 degree day which would seem springlike to me too this time of year. Friends in FL are bundled up and FREEZING in the same temps down there right now...it's all relative isn't it.
    BTW I salute you for making time to blog with all you have going on in your life...glad to have met you here.
    Happy T Day

  7. Just look at that snow! Maybe we'll get some here, but maybe not. In the meantime, I'll enjoy yours from a distance ;)

  8. Oh my that cake looks good. I gained weight just looking at it. LOL xox

  9. What a great family get-together!
    I also like the photos of the snow in the streets. Is New Hampshire a state or an area or is it the name of the town where you teach?
    Thank you for visiting earlier. Sorry for the late comment, I've been out all day.
    Happy T-day,

  10. What a wonderful birthday party and the cake does look deliciously sweet!
    Sounds like you had a good school break. Happy T-Day! :)

  11. I know where you got that cup as I saw Fenton Park when we were in Boston in October 2015.
    That cake looks great.
    Looks like you have alot of marking to do.
    Happy T Day.

  12. I love that 'memory' cup! Your celebration meal looks such fun! I love seeing 'old' students, although we moved away from the town where school was so not likely now! Happy T Day, Chrisx

  13. Looks like a great family celebration. I love it when my family all gets together.

  14. Wow.. what a big family and friends! SUper!
    The cake looks delicious!


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