Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Love You Madly

An art journal page for you today. It took me awhile to put this together, and I wasn't sure it was going to work, but I must say it makes me very happy.
I am linking up to Art Journal Journey, hosted this month by Hazel. The theme is 'If Music is the Food of Love, Play On."
 And I noticed there is a new challenge at Moo Mania. Hearts! This journal page fits perfectly.

Some of you asked what the primary was that I mentioned in yesterday's post, and I wasn't thinking of my audience when I wrote my post, and how some of you wouldn't be aware of how our presidential elections work.  In the US, lots of people try to run for the job of president, but in the final election in November, each political party has only 1 representative. Each state runs either primaries or caucuses so people can "vote" for who they like the best in order to help determine who will be each party's candidate for president. Caucuses are a little different from primaries, and truthfully I don't know exactly how they work because they are more about meeting in a group and voting, but in a primary voters go to the polls and in a  ballot vote for the person they think would be best. In a very simplified explanation, the primaries help weed down all the candidates so we eventually  get one candidate per party.
Of course yesterday I went to vote in my town and the town never switch my party affiliation back to Independent, and that limited my voting, so I was pretty annoyed and ended up calling to file a complaint with the state attorney general. Grrr. Luckily the guy at the state I spoke with was very understanding and gave me some good advice, but I find it interesting how someone's mistake at the town hall could really effect the overall  election results, and I know we all make mistakes, but the woman told me they had had a lot of complaints about this all day (it happened to my husband too), and that is just plain wrong.
So that's all for me today, another work day ahead of me. Hopefully it will be a little less hectic than yesterday was.
And I hope your day will be or has been wonderful too!


  1. LOVE your page, soooooooooooooo GORGEOUS! Thanks for another wonderful entry for Art Journal Journey and Moo Mania and More. Thanks, too for the explanation about your voting system. Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Sorry Erika, my political knowledge is as good as non-existent.
    Must be very difficult with so many many canditates - gosh!

    But I know something about Art Journal pages and can tell you that your page is SUPER!!!
    I am happy you were able to combine the two challenges this morning! Great!
    Thank you Erika!
    Hope your workday was fine!
    Did you send snow to me?
    Today it arrived here..but thank God not very much ...
    oxo Susi

  3. First, in a caucus (at least in KS), only Democrats and Republicans are allowed. So if you are an independent, a Libertarian, or some other party, your party is NOT represented. You must be registered as either Dem or Rep, and you meet on different sides of the room. If there are several people running in your designated party, people in the group try to get you to change candidates or decisions on who you want to win. In large and early caucuses, the candidates are usually present giving speeches or answering position questions. In Kansas, the candidates don't even bother to show up, no matter how close the race.

    Republicans actually vote by writing the names on a piece of paper and putting the paper in a box. Democrats stand in groups, then someone stands on a stage and physically counts the people. Talk about HEAD count!

    I can tell your AJJ entry is filled with love and I like how you tied it into music. It's a glorious entry.

  4. Hello dear Erika -- your journal page is stunning. and yes .. works perfectly for both challenges. I must say I adore your header! Very interesting piece of work. hugs, Donna

  5. Beautiful art piece! And interesting post about your NH primary experience. I was surprised at how high the voter turnout was, considering the cold, snowy weather. (Although I think the blizzard they forecast for you didn't happen?) I'm in Connecticut. :-)

  6. Wow, a beautiful and colourfull artwork, Erika.

    Thank you so much for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE

  7. A great journal page. Love the background.
    Thank you so much for explaining about the primary.
    I don't understand what went wrong at the town hall that limited your vote, but it is very annoying and frustrating.
    Thank you for your visit,
    Have a good week,

  8. I love the torn edges and all of the gorgeous elements. Lots of texture, interest and lovely colour in this.

  9. Such a happy page. Since NH is such an independent state I bet you were super upset when they messed up at town hall. ANNOYING. xox

  10. A gorgeous page, the colours fabulous.
    xxx Hazel.

  11. Geese...they are making it harder and harder to vote. We are now having to bring a registration card and a driver’s license. Thank heavens we live on a farmette in the boonies so very few folk show up at the forestation...and the people that work there are all retired doctors and have a brain. So far np glitches. Ours is in two weeks. I really love your works. You have a grand way with color. It is so bright and cheery and really pulls you in as you look at it. There is so much to enjoy with this one. You must have spent ages putting it together. To put it are so very talented. Have a happy weekend. genie


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