Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Primary Day, My Dad's Birthday and T for Tuesday

It is primary day here in New Hampshire. The 100th anniversary of the the first in the nation primary. With all the many candidates in the running for president it will be interesting to see how the votes fall (and maybe even a little bit scary) and who is left in the race on Wednesday, because there will be candidates who don't have money left to remain in the race. 
Personally I will be glad that all the poll phone calls will stop and the pile of candidate flyers every day in the mail will go away. But I am glad to be able exercise my right to vote and be a part of this tradition.
Last Friday I was home with a snow day from school. School closures for snow days still make feel like a kid. Yahoo-I can go back to bed and don't have to go out into the weather! 
So later on in the morning, when I got up after a little nap and some extended reading in bed time (which is the real reason I love going back to bed on snow days), I got up and made my daughter and myself a yummy snow day breakfast, which I am linking up to T is for Tuesday on Elizabeth's blog.
Blueberry pancakes, a link of chicken sausage and a big glass of milk! I didn't need to eat until dinner that day!
And I didn't realize today is Fat Tuesday and time for Mardi Gras. Guess all the election hoopla along with the recent snows has thrown me out of the loop. Happy Mardi Gras everyone.
 So this young boy is my dad when he was a kid. Today he would have been 92.
 Here's a rather blurry photos from his days as a soldier in WWII.
I know you probably can't read this dad, but I hope wherever you are you are having a really happy birthday!
Thanks to all the rest of you for stopping by today!


  1. Happy birthday to your Dad, so lovely of you to remember him. Your breakfast looks more than wonderful, soooo yummy! Have a great week, Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Oh... what is a primary? (Excuse my ignorance of American festivals)
    I enjoyed looking at photos of your dad. He would be the same age as my dad. I remembered his birthday recently on the 26th of jan.He past away in 2011. My sister and I take it in turns to be with my mum on that day. This year she flew over, and last year I flew over.
    Thanks for visiting,
    Happy T-day,

  3. Now that is a breakfast and half, looks wonderful and what a perfect way to enjoy a snow day. Lovely photos of your Dad for his what would have been his 92nd birthday, he looks like someone who enjoyed life.

  4. what a very handsome guy your father was through out his life. Thanks for sharing. Your snow day sounds like the perfect way to enjoy it, and nothing like a hardy breakfast to have the required energy to clean up that snow afterwards!! We are getting some snow which is supposed to continue off and on for the next day but it isn't supposed to accumulate more than a few inches (fingers crossed). Happy T day!

  5. Your snow day breakfast looks really yummy and filling. I'm a fan of blueberries so I would enjoy these--and wouldn't need to eat until dinner either!

    It is interesting to watch all the debates and speeches, but I guess when it is happening in your state, it does get to be a bit "old" after awhile. By the time the primary gets to NY there is much less hoopla.

    Happy T Day!

  6. I had to laugh, because Voodoo Vixen reminded me today is also Shrove Tuesday, and Pancake Day. There is pancake race held each year between Olney, England and Liberal, KS, where they run a race holding and flipping pancakes. The winner gets the prize and bragging rights for that year. So your breakfast served double duty today. We'll just pretend you celebrated a few days early (grin).

    The primary is making big news and big noise here, too. The eyes are certainly on NH today, where we will see where this all plays out. By the time we get to KS, many of the candidates have either folded or the caucus is hardly worth going to. The only year it seemed to count was 2008, where Obama and Clinton were so close in votes, the caucus actually became important on the Democratic side. This year, several Republicans have already registered to be part of the caucus.

    I'm sure your father is looking down today and smiling that you have celebrated both his life and his photos on your blog. That was quite thoughtful.

    Thanks for sharing your father's birthday, your primary woes, and your wonderful Pancake breakfast with milk with us for T this Tuesday. Sad that you had to work today. Hope you make it home safely.

  7. Gosh -- what a fab breakfast! Wow!
    Happy T-Day, Mardi Gras and Happy Birthday to your Dad- wherever he will be!
    He was a great looking guy!♥


  8. And hey! I forgot to mention:
    Congrats on being on the cat walk at TioT's!

  9. Happy Birthday to you Dad ♥
    I believe our loved ones on the other side are closer to us than we often realize.
    Those blueberry pancakes are calling me = yum!
    We are having some conversational snow as they like to call it ... not sticking on the roadways and only a couple of inches predicted.
    So far the elections are totally bizarre and leave me shaking my head again and again...pretty scary stuff LOL.
    Happy T Day Erika oxo

  10. I love the photos of your dad :)

    I love following all the politics. Presidential election campaigning does go on and on, though, doesn't it!

    Happy T Tuesday.

  11. Your breakfast looks good. Your dad looks handsome. A wonderful way to remember your dad's birthday!

  12. Yum! delicious looking breakfast for sure! definitely like your recipe for reading in bed on snow days...and wonderful vintage photos of your dad! happy T day!!

  13. Wonderful photos of your dad. We had an 2hr early release last Tuesday then a 2hr late start on Wednesday from our 10.4 inches. The kids were really hoping for a full day off. :)
    Happy T day!

  14. That breakfast looks delicious indeed.

    Happy Birthday to your dad, and that's a fine photo, hope the memories make the day even more special. Warm greetings to you.

  15. You must be so proud of your dad. Lovely photos.Your coffee looks yummy. We don't have sausage for breakfasr neither pancakes.But I love the idea.happy T day!!

  16. Wonderful tribute to your Dad! Great photos and your meal looks scrumptious!

  17. Now that is an awesome snow day breakfast!!! I too am getting very tired of all of the election whoopla! I worry about the elections this year as most of the candidates on both sides scare me . It will be an interesting election for sure. Happy T Day!

  18. Oh, you yummy looking breakfast has my stomach protesting emptiness!

    The primaries are now over, and I bet your happy about that!! I might be on the "west" coast, but we get all the phone calls and mailers too. I know our postal carrier (quiet well) and she says that not only is so much money waited on the mailers that we end up paying the postal workers overtime to get them all delivered!! :(((

    Happy Birthday to your Dad, very handsome in his uniform,

    Belated T-day wishes...and thanks for the visit and the comment.

  19. Snow days, snow days...yeah!!!! They are calling for 90% chance of snow for Sunday for us here in Arkansas.. fingers crossed..not supposed to be much but still its part of the reason i moved to Arkansas to see some snow!! Happy Belated Tday!! I behaved myself and had my oatmeal this morning but my goodness yours looks yummy!! Hugs! deb


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