Friday, February 19, 2016

Paintings in the Rough

Yahoo it is Friday!!!! I am very glad this work week is winding down. It has been too busy. Just 8 hours of work to before I get a little down time!
Big smile on my face.
So a couple of weekends ago I started 2 new paintings. They are still unfinished, in need a lot of work, but here they are. This top painting needs some more details added to it. I love adding details. I think the couch needs a messed up blanket and a cat on the back. The big thing behind the couch is going to be a painting within a painting, and that needs to be done. The basket needs yarn. Maybe there should be a dog on the couch. 
But I like my couch. I'm not crazy about the bookshelves though. Or the tall silver floor lamp.
But I can always paint over it-that is what I love about paint.
Time will tell what happens here.
And this is the old red chair painting. The light is so bad on this you can't see the old fabric details that are in it, but as this is painting in the rough, you get the rough form, sorry about that.
I painted this because I really wanted to try painting a chair, and wanted to see in particular if I could paint a chair and have people recognize what kind of chair it is.  I asked my daughter and the hubby and they both guessed it exactly, so I am proud of myself for getting that down.
Since it is Friday, and time for a party, I am linking up to Paint Party Friday. Thanks to Kristen and Eva for hosting. If you aren't a regular, stop by the site for a visit.
I won't be partying with the Paint Party Friday folks next week as I will be away, but I will be back in March.
Now that sounds really good to me-March. I love the feeling we are really moving closer to spring here in New Hampshire, even though March can be a real bear some years. At least after March comes April and that means winter is behind us. (Usually that is).
That's all for today.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. It is good to see these bright beautiful colours in these gray days here. I'm looking forward seeing more...
    Have a wonderful weekend ♥

  2. Love your cosy painted home studies - I can imagine sitting on that sofa and snuggling up with the cat or dog! Have a great holiday, enjoy your break! Hugs, Valerie

  3. I like the 1st painting because it looks homely with the couch. It makes me feel like laying down to take a cat nap. Ha ha.

  4. Your bold and colorful art makes me happy dear Erika!
    Wishing you a wonderful trip!!!
    I will miss you!!
    Take care!

  5. Bright and colourful. Happy weekend!

  6. Your artwork is so vibrant and colourful. It's just what's needed on this grey wet day here.
    It's difficult to photograph paintings with the low light at this time of year. Spring must be coming soon?
    Have a wonderful weekend... happy PPF to you

  7. Lovely wips. Enjoy your time away Erika

  8. Beautiful interior paintings, I can't wait to see the painting in the painting. Love the bright red chair also, they're such a comfort to sit in.

  9. what a cheerful painting Erika! I can just picture the additions you mentioned:) Happy weekend to you!

  10. You have such a fun style and I'd recognize it anywhere!! I love the bookshelf so much...especially with all the pops of colour in your painting!! It makes it happy!! Can't wait to see how it transpires!!

    Hugs Giggles

  11. Love the vivid colors. Nice work!

  12. Looks like a cozy place, and yeah, a cat on the back of the couch sounds perfect ... :-)

  13. Ooohh love your living room and furniture paintings. Bright beautiful colors. Have fun where ever you are going and I will see you in March.

  14. It appears I have missed this post, too. What a colorful place you have created. And a cat would really warm the place up even more. This is a fun and warm home you have painted for us.

  15. Blessings....
    Fantastic sentiment.
    Enjoy your trip.

  16. Van Gogh-esque! I love this--the colors are beautiful and it reminds me of a favorite. Have a great week. xo

  17. Love all the color and energy!! Happy PPF :)

  18. These are looking good so far, looking forward to see all details you're going to add!

  19. Waiting to see all the details. Looking good so far.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for the lovely comment.


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