Saturday, February 20, 2016

See You Soon

This is a pre-post because by the time this comes on up on my blog my daughter and I will be arriving at the airport for an early flight.
On New Years Eve we had some take out Chinese food ( it was a wild night at home having take for dinner and watching some movies on the tv). But look at the fortune that was in my fortune cookie. It was telling me I needed to buy my ticket and go.
So I am.
So we are heading west to New Mexico. We're spending a couple of nights in Santa Fe and then we'll be driving north to visit some friends in Taos until the end of next week.
 We'll be out on the Mesa with Sangre de Cristo mountains in the background.
Very different from here in the heavily forest New Hampshire where I live.
I love this big open space. It freeing in a weird sort of way.
It makes those mountains look a lot closer than they are. I bet they are 10-15 miles away.

These adobe buildings that a are also nothing like we have in white clapboarded New Hampshire.
I love the lines on this building. This is actually a beautiful church that was painted by Georgia O'Keefe and photographed by Ansel Adams.
San Francisco De Asis.
 (above-one of Ansel Adams photograph and below, the Geogia O'Keefe painting)
This is actually the back side of the building.
I plan on seeing lots of art in all kinds of various forms. 
 And Mexican colorful inspiration.
Once again so different from back home.
 This will be my third trip out there, so these photos are just a few views from my visits in 2013 and 2014. This fence is on my friend's property and this is their road rambling over the Mesa.

I love coming here because it does feel like I am so far far away. (Technically I am, even though I am still in the US) And I love writing this post because it gets me really excited for my adventure.
 I'm not sure if I will get a chance to post any photos next week or not, but if not, I will return with lots of photos and stories.
Have a great week!


  1. Have a wonderful time, take care, have BIG fun, hugs, Valerie

  2. How very interesting photos Erika, and so great that you booked the tickets. I'm sure you will get a lot of inspiration for your art work. Enjoy the journey my friend!

    Love and hugs

  3. Hello Erika, have a great holiday. Looking forward to see your travel photos.

  4. Enjoy ! I am looking forward to see the photos and read all the adventures! ♥♥♥

  5. Really lovely, and do enjoy your time away. Warm greetings and best wishes!

  6. Oh dear. I'm late visiting and you are probably already at your first destination. Come back refreshed, have fun, enjoy, make art, fill in that journal you made, and bring us some New Mexico sun and fun. In other words, have a GREAT time!

  7. Have a blast. I know you will. xox

  8. Enjoy yourself and come back home inspired!

  9. Oh how I Love that part of the country.
    Lucky you getting to visit for a third time.
    I recognized Burro Alley in one of your photos.
    Santa Fe is such a fun walking town and you are so right.
    It really does feel like a different country than from here on the east coast.

  10. What a wonderful trip; and I enjoy the art, painting, photography, and architecture. That church as interpreted in several forms is fascinating :)


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