Tuesday, February 2, 2016

T for Tuesday is Second on the Second Today

Is that title a mouthful or what?
So since it is Tuesday it is time for  T for Tuesday which is hosted  on Elizabeth's blog  T-Stands for LeMonde/Altered Book Lover .

But since it is also February second Elizabeth is also hosting Second on the Second. Wow-What a busy day!

Here's some photos that I posted in March of 2014 from my trip that year to New Mexico. I had gone out there to  visit some friends for  my February school vacation week. It was quite a T centered week.
 How about a little chocolate cake too? I could go for that right now!

And then I created some T pages in my travel journal for that trip.

You can find both original posts here.
I also have a second part for Second on the Second, also from 2014. That was the year we had a huge number of snowy owls wintering down along the coast from the Arctic. I had never seen a snowy owl before so my daughter and I went on a little road trip to go see some. It was right around this date we did that. Here's that original post Snowy Owls.

 And last but not least- Happy Groundhog Day to you all. If the groundhog sees his shadow, we get 6 more weeks of winter, and if he doesn't, then spring is just around the corner. I'm not sure the history of this whole thing, and it is kind of crazy, but it is also pretty fun. The weatherguy said this is the half way point of the actual season of winter. Wahoo! Although its been feeling like spring here already, it is good to know we are truly getting closer to real spring. Lets hope those groundhogs don't see their shadows.
 Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Fantastic art work in your journals, and I am so in love with those snowy owls, they are just gorgeous. And I NEED some of that Christmas cake, NOW! Love the February blog header, too. Have a great T Day, hugs, Valerie

  2. that is a fabulous looking travel journal Erika! Lucky you to get to see the snowy owls- great pics! That chocolate cake looks divine and would be perfect with a cup of coffee(which I am now drinking:) Happy T day!

  3. OMGosh your Snowy Owl photos are fabulous Erika!
    What a thrill to see them in person.
    I remember there were sightings on Ocroacoke Island in NC too but we only saw photos.
    Tempting and tantalizing cups of yumminess you are sharing along with your great travel journal pages too.
    Happy T Day
    and Happy February oxo

  4. I'm with you Erika. The idea that if the groundhog sees his shadow, he heads back to his burrow and stays there. I found a bit of the history of it here:


    It's an interesting history, and I'm less confused about why I keep thinking it should be the other way around.

    You are SO lucky to have seen these snowy owls. They are simply stunning. I love how far they can turn their heads. That always trips me out.

    Tea and chocolate cake. My kind of meal! What fun. You and I are So alike, because when I travel, I save all the various flotsom and jetsom that comes with the trip, including tea bags. Your art is as fantastic and timely as it was back then. Since I'm so new to your art, I really enjoy these looks back.

    Thanks for sharing your tea, your art, and your look back to your trip to NM with us this week (and month).

  5. That chocolate cake! For breakfast! Now, please ;)

    Your owl photos are wonderful. Happy T Tuesday

  6. Great post Erika......love the snow owls how luck you were to see then and get photos!
    Happy T-day with great tea art!!

  7. Wow.. what great journal pages -- and the snow owl photos are just fantastic!
    I am longing for this cake... no no no .. it's in the evening here and I decided to not eat anything more today....

    Happy T-Day Erika - the quote on the mug is super!
    oxo Susi

  8. Yeay for chocolate cake! I am so envious of that snowy owl encounter, what a gorgeous bird. And your journal pages are really inspiring - I am trying to get into the habit myself. Happy T-Day!

  9. Love your travel journal & art...and the snowy owl photos are breathtaking!! happy T day♥

  10. Oh, it's February and you have a new header, it's magnificent. It makes me think of walking in a lovely town in Spring, it's so full of colour and life.
    Imagine seeing snowy owls, that must have been so exciting.
    The cake looks rich and delicious, and thanks for the glimpse of your travel journals, themselves so colourful.

  11. Haven't seen any snowy owls around here yet, but so many hawks! NM chocolate and a cute cup. Not sure I've been there, maybe our last trip with my friend who lives out there. xox

  12. Oooh that choc cake and all those yummy drinks are making my stomach rumble!
    I love your old travel journal. Isn't it great to visit pages from a while back.
    The snow owls are amazing. I have never seen a real one (well, perhaps in a zoo). They are beautiful and you are privileged to have seen some.
    Have a good week,

  13. Now that is a tempting piece of cake you have there :) Love the journal and those photos of the snowy owl are amazing.. Lucky you to get to see one. ♥

  14. I was particularly drawn to the photos of the snowy owls. What beautiful creatures. Thanks for sharing them a second time because I wasn't around for the first one!

  15. Mmmm--chocolate! Love that white mug saying.
    Cheery, colorful artwork. How cool to see a snowy owl--wow!
    Happy T-Day! :)

  16. your Little travel Journal is fab! oh, i think i gain weight only by looking at this chocolate cake, yummy! i never saw a snow owl out of the zoo, we don´t have some here - but they are so beautiful...
    happy belated t-day and rest of the week! thanks for your visit!

    PS: yes, Gaultier was great, it was a good idea to go there a second time!

  17. Love the coffee and tea "sparked" ideas! What a wonderful inspiration!

  18. Yummy muffins and great shots of the white owl!! Awesome!! ♥ Conny http://piaromsartjournaling.blogspot.de


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