Monday, February 1, 2016

Try It on Tuesday

Here's a journal page I made awhile back and converted  into a silhouette  for Try It on Tuesday. The ladies originally were stamped but I colored them in and made them silhouettes.  I think I am just squeezing this one in before the challenge changes.
The background is made with stencils, paint, spray ink and some stamped and colored images. I also  added the die cut gear heart.
Monday comes so fast. It was just Friday evening and the weekend flew right by.
I have a few more photos from my Saturday beach walk to share today also.

 And this restaurant had this fun Valentine's tree made by old wooden lobster traps stacked up and then decorated. I thought it was kind of fun.

Everyone needs a little fun on a Monday, right?
Hope to see you  stop by again soon.


  1. Flying hearts with wings are always good. Ooh what beach. Did you take home the ropes from the beach, I would have! Happy February. xox

  2. Fantastic journal page, love the silhouettes, and thanks for joining us at TIOT. Yes, tomorrow a new challenge is starting. Love the photos, that Valentine tree is fantastic,. Hugs, Valerie

  3. This is really fabulous! The silhouettes look fantastic on this great background.
    Love your stunning photographs!
    Thank you for joining us at Try it on Tuesday.
    Mar xx

  4. A wonderful journal page and such a great idea to make your stamped image into a silhouette.
    Loved looking at your photos too,
    Thanks for sharing with us at TioT
    Avril x

  5. That page is just AWESOME and the photos are wonderful!
    I can imagine that with friends and so much beauty around you the weekend just flew by.
    Happy new week Erika and thank you so much for playing with us over at


  6. Wow! I love this - what a clever way of making your silhouette! Oh and a wow! for the beach photos too!
    So pleased you joined us at Try It On Tuesday with your lovely converted page!! Hugs, Chrisx

  7. Great alteration of you page. Thank you for joining in at Try it on Tuesday

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. A fabulous silhouette page, a great inky background for the figures. thank you for joining us over at TioT's. loved your photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Your silhouette is gorgeous, and I especially like the flowers you added for that right amount of pop.

    I was in LOVE with that heart tree. What a clever way to display those traps and make it seasonal. I adore it.

    Hope your weather stays nice. Looks like the bars have moved again on the map, and we are now definitely in for rain and up to 50+ mph winds.

  10. Forget to mention that the new header is GORGEOUS!
    Happy Day!


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