Thursday, March 3, 2016

Colorful Artsy Inspiration

 I love travel art inspiration. Especially when it really represents the place you were visiting.
New Mexico has such a strong character with its Spanish/Mexican  and Native American background. A lot of the art reflects that heritage.

And the western US is such a distinct culture from us here in the northeast US. We don't have cowboys here. Nor a strong sense of Native Americans either. So many of the indigenous cultures here were either incorporated into society over the last 400 years or else our early European settlers wiped them out with their infectious diseases like small pox. Not that we don't have Native Americans here in the northeast US, as we do, and they do keep their tribal customs, but you don't see that much representation of their art on an average day.

I took some of these photos in Santa Fe, New Mexico while walking around. Santa Fe has such a vibrant art culture. They do have some wonderful art inspired museums too, but this trip I didn't visit any of them. There just isn't enough time in a day, and I only spent 2 days in Santa Fe before traveling north to visit friends up in Taos.

I've been to northern New Mexico 3 times and still have a huge list of places I want to see. Next trip I really want to visit the Georgia O'Keefe homes at Ghost Ranch and Abiquiu. And the Pueblo at  Taos.
I am really having travel withdrawals today. Sigh. 
But, these arty pieces are inspiring me. Plus I am reading a fascinating and well written book about the settling of the southwest by Hampton Sides. One of the friends we stayed with lent me his library book to read, and I got far enough in that I really wanted to finish it. So I picked up a copy at the Kit Carson museum and have been hooked on reading it. There is so much I never learned back in school. If you have any interested in American history and the Southwest I highly recommend this book.
I like it so much I am going to get a hold of and read a couple other books by this author that look good to me. 
OK, enough babbling. Have a wonderful day, and
Thanks once again for visiting.


  1. Great capture of the art and artful signs around NM. It is a colorful place. xox

  2. Wonderful photos, you had a great trip. Thanks so much for sharing. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Amazing art - such colorfoul impressions! Great that you found such an intersting book as well!

    I am a bit soon.. but why not wishing a good weekend?
    Have a good one !!

    We shall get a sunny saturday and I hope I can do some very first to do things in my little garden..will see-
    hope you have also nice plans for the weekend!

  4. It's truly amazing how different and distinctive these cultures are, yet how well they blend together. Even the colors and icons seem to compliment each other. This was an incredibly beautiful and insightful post, and I can see why you are having withdrawals at the moment.

  5. This may be more than you ever wanted to know, but here are three articles on the Kansas caucus that will be held this Saturday. The first one explains the caucuses and how each party is different:

    This one looks at both parties and explains the difference between the Democrat and the Republican caucuses. Note that Republicans have paper ballets, while Democrats are counted by hand.

    For Republicans, there is an added problem this year. As for the Republicans, it is nothing like what they did in Iowa:

    Again, this may be more than you ever wanted to know, but you asked a few weeks ago and I'm trying to keep you updated.

  6. Wow, I'm filling your comment box tonight. I'm not so much a March Madness fan as I am a BASKETBALL fan. No other sport equals it for me. Of course, now that Wichita State (my final alma mater) has become so famous, I watch their games until they lose.


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!