Friday, March 4, 2016

Girls Go Camping

Happy Friday everyone! Today I have a journal page to show you.
And since it is Friday it is time to party over at Paint Party Friday.
Thanks to Kristen and Eva for hosting.
  I am also linking up my page to Art Journal Journey. This month's theme is Into the Woods, and it is being hosted by Chris from Pear Shaped Crafting.
So my take on into the woods for this page is camping. 
I began to stamping some bears, foxes and wolves on some green paper. Then I stenciled with paint this forest scene.  You can see one wolf face and some of the shadowy bodies  behind the trees.  Then I added the tent, campfire and foxes, and painted the big full moon. I doodled in the screaming lady in the tent. I also used a little white watered down paint around the tent to try to make that flashlight glow you get a night in a tent, but it kind of came out a little more smudgy than I wanted it to.
Oh well. Sometimes journal pages end up a little bit messy.

This page is bases on one of my real life camping experiences with a couple of crazy raccoons, not foxes.
 A few summers ago I went camping with a 3 girlfriends in the White Mountains in the north of my state  for a couple of nights. We set up 2 tents with 2 of us in each tent. On our last night it started pouring rain, and so we put out our campfire and crawled into our sleeping bags in our tents early. My friend and I had just fallen asleep in our tent when two raccoons tried to come in. One of them had his face pressed into the canvas side of the tent and we could see its outline pressing inward, kind of like a raccoon face mask. They were making all their little high pitched raccoon laughs and noises and the other raccoon was trying to open  the tent's zipper.
Of course we screamed, and my friend took her hand and hit the raccoon who was pushing his face in the side of the tent. She literally grabbed the raccoon by the nose (with the side of the tent  in between her hand and the raccoon). Of course all screaming woke up our friends in the other tent, and they started calling to us to see what was up, and that scared off the raccoons.
Talk about wildlife coming out of the forest after dark.
So I am the screaming doodle in my page.
So its not only Paint Party Friday today but it is my birthday. The hubby has kidney dialysis tonight so my daughter is taking me out for a pedicure to celebrate. I'm hoping she'll take me out for dinner too. And since the hubby isn't home tonight, I get to celebrate all over again tomorrow with him.
I like that! Think I'll make this a birthday weekend.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you get to do something that makes you happy this weekend.


  1. A Happy Birthday weekend to you! I can relate to this fabulous page - we woke up to hear scratching from very close to our faces one night when camping in the woods (many years ago I might add) but it turned out to be a mole under the groundsheet - it a me a scare though! I love the way you 'lit up' the tent especially! Glad to see you joining in with this theme at AJJ! Hugs, Chrisx

    Wishing you all the best for the new year of your life!

    Oh gosh what a story.. I was with you in this tent... scaring!

    I love love love your super page.. all is cool about it !

    Happy Friday!

  3. I strongly believe in birthday weeks :D I'd claim a month, but my daughter has her's a week after mine and daughters always take priority. D'oh :D

    I hope you have a great birthday.

    I really love your moon! And the forest is appropriately dark and spooky with a definite X-Files feel about it.

    I must say we don't have raccoons here, but yeah, I'd be screaming alongside you :D

    Thanks for sharing and happy PPF!

    Best wishes,

  4. A beautiful piece for your journal. I especially love those foxes Erika.
    I've never camped (I know that's shocking for some) but maybe one day I will.
    Happy PPF to you.

  5. A bit spooky camping in woods. But camping is always little exciting. I've did it in my youth.
    Have a happy weekend ♥

  6. Have a wonderful birthday weekend. Wishing you Happy Birthday! I would never dare go camping in the woods.

  7. Loved the story that goes with your camping fantastic journal page. Have a happy Birthday weekend.

  8. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a lovely time with your daughter and again with hubby when he has finished his dialysis.
    I love you scary story. I have no idea what a raccoon looks like and how big they are. Are they dangerous? I must Google that.
    Have a good week,

  9. First off, Happy Birthday! About your darling camp scene: I was all set to say that the screaming woman was me and then I read your wild camping story. What an experience you had! The raccoons must have smelled food in your tent. I am impressed that you even went camping in the first place. An outdoor sleepover!

  10. Love your spooky camp scene, just great and I wish you the very best and happiest of birthday weekends possible! Thanks for joining us again at Art Journal Journey, hugs, Valerie

  11. Happy Birthday my friend! Such a great camping page Erika, I totally agree with the spooky feeling in a wood at night :)

    Happy Friday!

  12. Happy birthday!!!!!!!!

    Have a great weekend! Love and hugs to you!

  13. Hope you have big plans for a wonderful celebration. We both have birthdays, mine's Monday. Fishes we two. Love the story, I would have been screaming too, ha ha. xox

  14. oh my goodness, what an eventful camp out you had! too funny, and yet I am sure it wasn't funny at the time. Great art work to remember the event!

  15. haha, love that screaming figure! Congratulations and enjoy your birthday-weekend!

  16. Happy Happy Birthday!! Boy did I get a chuckle out of this one... It's so odd how we go camping with only canvas between us the wilderness and weirdos yet we lock our doors everywhere else!!I'm sure it was quite the fright...racoons are cute from FAR away!!

    Hugs Giggles

  17. Not sure how I missed this post, but I hope you have had a great day and beautiful birthday evening. I hope you and your daughter had fun with your pedicures and hopefully a birthday dinner.

    Laughed at your drawing and laughed at the tale in the woods. This was super funny.

  18. Happy Birthday! I loved your delightful and whimsical camping page, as I did the hysterical story behind its inspiration. It sounded like a scene from a comedy. Enjoy your night out with your husband, now that his out of dialysis. Thanks for visiting my blog and blessings!

  19. Such a fun story... it reminds me of my own camping experiences, always filled with fun and laughter! And what a great journal page. :)

    Oh, and happy belated!

  20. Happy birthday!!! Your story about the raccoon and camping made me laugh. Your journal page is delightful.

  21. What a great story - squeal !!! - and wonderfully illustrated too. The screaming woman with her hair standing on end is terrific as is everything else, the foxes, the spooky forest with the watchers and the pink tent, and yes the tent does look lit up.
    Have a super birthday weekend.

  22. Great page. Happy Birthday to you.

  23. happy birthday and thanks for sharing the camping story... fabulous read!

  24. luv your out-doorsy journal page. I'm happy you dropped by my blog

    much love...

  25. I love your painting! It has such a great feel to it. I'm not much for camping myself but I enjoyed reading your story. Hope you have a great birthday week!!

  26. This painting is so sweet and whimsical. :D


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