Sunday, April 24, 2016

A New Week Begins

My page dried a little wrinkled but I have another song inspired journal piece for Art Journal Journey.  Thanks to Linda for hosting this month with the theme of For the Record. My song is one from 1971 by the Carpenter's, Rainy Days and Mondays.  Of course this Monday isn't exactly a day to get me down, as I am on on my one week vacation. 
Its been a good weekend. I had hoped to work in my garden, but the black flies have arrived. Every spring we get them en masse for a few weeks. There are so many of them right now that you go out and they swarm around you. Luckily they are only bad for a couple weeks, but this year with our weird weather they are actually a good week or so early. I hope that means they'll be gone sooner than normal too.
So instead of working outside I stayed in and finished my spare bedroom studio cleaning project. That took  most of the days Saturday and Sunday to finish.

I am thrilled to get it finished. I still want to go through my bookshelf  and a few more boxes need sorting, but they are not in the way. At least now I can get back to making art. 
Big smile.
My husband and I also went out for dinner Saturday night with an old friend from college.
I had these yummy fish tacos, well at least as much as I could eat of them.
So in the morning I am off to Vermont to start my pastry baking class. I hopefully will have some goodies to show you next post.
Hope you had a good weekend and your Monday isn't rainy and doesn't get you down.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. How ironic. I've never had a fish taco, nor do I think I'll ever want one. For some reason, they don't sound good, although the photo makes yours look exceptionally yummy.

    Rainy days and Mondays don't get me down, and I know this Monday no matter what the weather, you won't be down, either. It's a great interpretation of that song. Odd that we both chose songs from 1971 to showcase this time.

    Golly, dear! You have a TON and I mean a TON of rubber stamps. And they all look very pristine, too. Have you even used them? I'm impressed with how well you keep your stamps. I try, but ink sometimes gets on the wood.

    Have a fun week, and a super incredible Monday. And thanks again for everything you have done for me.

  2. Oh my, that food looks good. Glad you had a great weekend. You were very busy but the cleaning, but thanks for making another lovely page for AJJ. Have a good week, enjoy your break! Hugs, Valerie

  3. What a happy page even though it rains on it! did a great job with the cleaning in the studio - congrats- I will hopefully do the same this week as well ... at least I have it on my agenda.
    Good that I already finished my lunch and coffee time - because otherwise those fish tacos would have made my mouth watery..this must taste fantastic!
    I wish you much fun at the bakery workshop and look forward to photos of the yummie things you will produce there!!

    Thanks a lot for the page and all the support for AJJ Erika!
    oxo Susi

  4. Three cheers for weekends and vacations! You remind me that this studio could use a little perking up for spring. Nice job! Have a wonderful week!

  5. BAKE!!! as they would say on the Great British Baking show. Love the pages and the tacos. Have a wonderful time. xox

  6. Great job on the "cleaning" it always feels so good to gain some clean...clear space eh?? I just went through about 50% of my stuff. Still have painting and crafting supplies to conquer...but the stamps and materials are DONE!

    We just had a magnificent thunder and lightning storm last night...pored rain and even dropped so marble size hail for about 15 minutes.....and this is southern April!! LOL!

    You fish tacos look delicious....and big! I like fish tacos too.

    Your journal page now has me humming "Rainy Days and Mondays"...*grin* Always liked that song.

    Thanks for popping by my blog and for the lovely comment.

    Have a creative week....can't wait to see what your going to "bake" up!

  7. You have done a great cleaning job. The food looks good and yummy. Have a happy day!

  8. Oh how I LOVE fish tacos-especially when you know where they are good!!
    Love the Carpenters along with your journal page representing that song even though I love rainy days:) Taking a pastry class sounds like so much fun-can't wait to see what you do-enjoy!


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