Monday, April 25, 2016

A Lemon Tart for T

Happy T day everyone. Stop by Altered Book Lover to see what Elizabeth and the T Gang are up to this week.
I'm at a a Pastry baking class for my spring vacation and this is the one project we finished on day 1. It's a lemon tart with a bit of whipped cream and some fruit. My crust is a whole wheat crust which is why it looks a little dark.
Unfortunately I forgot to take a photo off my cup of tea that was on my work bench so even though you can't see it, I was sipping on some tea while I worked.
Some exciting things to bake in the next 3 days. Today we made the chiffon cake so tomorrow we can make some cream cake desserts. Plus we have a sacher torte and some chocolate truffles on the agenda. Plus a few more yummy sounding treats.
So they are saying we might get a bit of snow tonight-lets hope we DON'T.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. Always great to pick up new skills. The cake is divine. Yum.

  2. Ah, you may have forgotten your tea, but I see a business card referring to coffee or tea, and almost out of camera range, a bottle of coke. So it's OK to sip your tea while you make these wonderful goodies, but the real story is told right there on your work table!

    Oh wow. Puff pastry. My grandmother used to make it, so I would love to learn that!

    I would gladly take snow over our forecast of severe storms, long lasting tornadoes, hail in diameters to exceed 2", and winds over 70 mph. It appears there are over 20 MILLION people in the wake of this storm which will break tomorrow.

    Thanks for sharing your lovely tart and various drinks from your work bench with us for T this soon-to-be Tuesday.

    And thanks again for your generosity. You may not like the spotlight, but you deserve it!

  3. This looks soooooooooooooooooo good, you are going to have a fun week, yummy! Wish I were there! Happy T Day, have BIG baking fun, hugs, Valerie

  4. Looks yumm, i wish you could Hand me a Piece of it over:)
    happy t-day! and have ongoing fun in your course...

  5. This tart looks FANTATSIC!!!
    Have fun Erika! Hope you don't get the snow.. we got some snowshowers yesterday and it got very cold again..freezing in the night...

    Happy T-Day!

  6. wow Erika-that tart looks gorgeous-and I bet it tastes just as good!! It really looks like a bakery window display:) You have so many good desserts to look forward to making yet too. I hope you DON'T get snow either. Happy T day!

  7. Oh my goodness that tart looks amazing! A class sounds like a wonderful way to enjoy that. Happy T Day!

  8. Lemon tart! Be still my heart!

    Erika, I am so impressed. It looks fabulous and as a lemon lover to the max I know it tastes extraordinary!

    What fun you must be having. I'd be in seventh heaven!

  9. Delightful! You provide the tart, and I'll get my own tea ;) Happy T Tuesday

  10. OH MY! That looks heavenly ♥♥♥♥ I would love to take a baking class like that one. but then I'd a ton of weight so perhaps I better not. :(
    I'll just imagine eating your delightful creations ♥
    Have a great week and I'll definitely pray you don't gt that dreadful Spring snow!!!

  11. Ooh la laa that is a gorgeous looking lemon tart Erika!
    What a lot of fun you must be having.
    I have heard the "S" word mentioned several times today and all around the globe. Bit of an April joke me thinks.
    Take care and Happy T Day

  12. What treat you are having! The lemon tart looks amazing and by the look of that whiteboard list you are in for more treats!! Happy T Day, Chrisx

  13. That tart looks delicious, I can imagine the fun you must be having baking these beauties. Calling by to say Happy T Day.

  14. What a great thing to do in your spring vacation! I love baking. I'd love to learn to make puff pastry and a sachertorte I have never dared attempt... Your lemon tart look delish! Who was going to eat that? You are away for 4 days so you can't really take it home...
    You're asking me about my postcard hobby: I am a member of an online group called Postcrossing (it's free). Have a look at
    At my request I can have a random address generated (there are more than half a million members all over the world) to send a postcard to, when that card is registered, someone else (again random) sends a card to me. So every card I send, I get one back (not from the same person). That's how I got to get such a collection, because I have been doing it for years.
    Thank you for visiting and happy T Day!

  15. Your baking looks amazing! Thankfully I can't eat anything like that due to intolerances! I make up for it in other ways though.

    Happy T day.

    Cazzy x


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