Monday, April 18, 2016

Cocoa Instead of T Today

Happy T Day everyone. Today instead of tea I have this mug of delicious hot coco with some real whipped cream on top. There's a little hole in the wall restaurant near us that makes the most delicious breakfasts. Nothing gourmet, but their food is so yummy. And their hot coco is the second best I have ever had. Its real coco. Wish I had their recipe.

The hubby and I went  for breakfast Saturday morning before we took the old couch to the dump. My breakfast wasn't very exciting- eggs, hash and a biscuit- but it was very very good.
Stop by Elizabeth's blog to check out what all the T gang is enjoying this week. 
Have a happy T day!


  1. I like the name of that place and sounds like a great breakfast to me!

  2. Those hole in the wall places serve the best food and drinks, don't they? And the portions are always bigger than we expect, too. I would love to taste that coco because it sounds wonderful. Although I'm not a fan of hash, I love eggs, biscuits, and coco. Thanks for sharing it with us for T this nearly Tuesday.

  3. The breakfast need not be special but most important it must be very very good! Nice looking place for breakfast.

  4. Places where the food is simple but GOOD are really wonderful. Glad you enjoyed your cocoa, it sounds wonderful Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. give me two Cups of them and the breakfast is complete! lucks really yummy. and sometimes you do not Need to have the recipe, you just should go there;)
    have a beautiful week!

  6. nothing like a good ole place like this for a wonderful breakfast and real cup of cocoa-love it! Happy T day!

  7. Down-home cookin' :) Sounds like the perfect spot for breakfast. I don't drink hot chocolate often -usually I have coffee or tea fixed before I think of it- but this has me thinking.... :) Happy T Tuesday!

  8. I agree with Elizabeth... The hole in the wall places often have the best food! Just look to see if the parking lot is full! Happy hot chocolate day!

  9. A hole in the wall cafe sounds interesting, guessing that are like transport cafes! The cocoa looks delicious!
    Hugs, Chrisx

  10. Oh yumm! I love hot chocolate. That sounds like a nice place to pop in every now and then. Not sure what a hole in the wall means... is it small?
    Thanks for visiting and Happy T-Day,

  11. Your hot cocoa looks tempting.
    Happy T day

  12. Now that really looks like a heavenly cup of cocoa!

  13. The little hole in the wall places are the best, and usually owned by local that part.
    Original hot coco is a hard find these days.....too many quick ones!

    Thanks for the visit and for the comment.....I really like your new sofa...*grin*

    Happy T-day

  14. Thats a lovely name for a restaurant it looks a super place to visit.

  15. Some out of the way places are sometimes the much better than franchise restaurants.
    Happy T day...really late!

  16. I'm a big fan of tea but a much bigger fan of cocoa! This looks delish!


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