Sunday, April 17, 2016

Purple Rain

The weekend is winding down and a new work week is about to begin for me. But only 5 more work days and counting until my spring break begins.
I am just a little bit excited. :)
Later this week I'll fill you in on my plans of the week(or at least for a few days out of my week ), but today I have another journal page for Art Journal Journey.
My song today is Purple Rain by Prince. I can't say I am a huge fan, but I do like this song, especially the live version.
I didn't start off making this page for the song, but I was using a rain drop stencil, and when I cleaned it off the drops were such a dark purplish blue from several colors of paint that the song popped into my head.
So we had some gorgeous weather this weekend. It was fantastic. I worked in my yard, as well as continuing the play space cleaning (although one of the problems that comes with cleaning and purging is that before I'm finished I make far more of a mess than I started with- and that mess isn't all picked up yet). Today I had planned to repaint my garden fence, but then a friend who invited me to take a little trip with her and her sister  this summer wanted to meet and plan the trip, so I was off and missed probably the only nice painting day we'll have in weeks. That's just how life goes I guess. Maybe next weekend I'll get lucky and have painting weather. :)
That's all for me. 
Hope everyone had a great weekend and a good start to the new week too.


  1. I had to laugh because Prince was one of the "Filthy Fifteen" that Tipper Gore and her campaign to clean up the airways was opposed to. Regardless, I like how you illustrated this one. It's far different from the words, I suspect.

    I've always said that you know when you are nearly finished organizing is when it looks its worst. I'm sure you are now nearly there.

    Sometimes life gets in the way of painting a fence. I think you had more fun, too. BTW, it actually rained here all day and I did a little rain dance.

  2. Gorgeous page, love the colours, and I like the song, too. Glad you had a good weekend, I am sure the weather will be nice enough to paint the fence sooner or later. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  3. The page is absolutely fantastic! Fabulous! This song is for sure a very good one - even if we are both not the biggest Prince fans - am I right?!
    It seems your weekend went pretty well at all and you had even good weather, we had friendly weather as well - but today the rain is strating and they told that it will stay for the next days....
    so indoor amusement for me....
    Wishing you a good last week until the spring brake starts for you!
    Thank you for a absolutely fab page to the song inspired theme at AJJ Erika!
    hoping to find a good photo from her couch for!

  4. I've always been a fan :) so enjoyed your take on Purple Rain. Thx!

  5. super illustration of this song Erika!! Hooray for the fabulous weekend in the northeast! Happy rest of the week looking forward to your spring break:)

  6. Love your interpretation of this song - fabulous! (although I couldn't help noticing the cheeky chaps hand somewhere ermmm!)

    Hope your weather improves soon for you to do all the jobs you need to do... the trip sounds more exciting though.

    Gill xx

  7. I've been catching up with a lot of online stuff, posts, etc., today so this is the first I've seen of it, even though you posted a few days ago. I just heard on FB that Prince died today. It's been a bad year for musicians... a fitting and lovely tribute, even though that probably wasn't the plan.

  8. Its a fantastic page to go with the song you chose.
    Yvonne xx


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