Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Play Ball

Happy Wednesday everyone. Today I have another journal page to show you. I am linking up to Art Journal Journey. This month our lovely hostess Linda has picked the theme, For The Record. Its all about music.
My page actually is about 3 songs.  And since baseball season begins at the start of April, my page is also  a tribute to America's traditional sport.
For those of you who may not know anything about baseball, here's a link that explains the game: How to play baseball.
Anyhow, I'm not a baseball fanatic, but my Dad loved it. Baseball always reminds me of him. And growing up in New England, the team he loved was the Boston Red Sox. Even I will say I am a Red Sox fan, even though I don't usually sit down and watch the games. 
Anyhow, back to my page.
I painted my scoreboard with a green background because the Red Sox's home field is Fenway Park. Fenway Park has a huge green wall known as the Green Monster. The player and all the baseballs are from a baseball set by Artistic Outpost. In that set is the quote "Take me out to the ballgame" which is actually also an old old "folk" song. So that is my first song reference.  Above the player image I put a little quote bubble, and in it are the words "Put me in coach". Its a line from a song by John Fogarty and Creedence Clearwater Revival called  "Centerfield". That's song number 2.
Now my main song (the one that I began the page about) is one called Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond. You may wonder what that song has to do with baseball. Well a 9 inning baseball game can be a long time, so after the 7th inning you have something called the 7th inning stretch, a little break. When it is the 7th inning stretch at Fenway Park, they always play Sweet Caroline and everybody sings.
In fact I think about baseball when I hear that song now, not Neil Diamond.
Monday we had this snow. Looks more like early March rather than April. In fact Monday was suppose to be the opening home game for the Red Sox at Fenway park, but that game got snowed out.
Luckily it is mostly melted, but it is still way way too cold for April. Looks like it isn't going to be very spring like this week. Not very fun seeing our March was more spring like than April is starting out.
Anyhow, we have exams today at school so I need to get going. The exciting part is that we move into the last quarter/9 weeks of the school year. That is soooo exciting. 
Thanks for visiting!


  1. Love your page, and you scored full points for hitting off three songs in one piece! I love 'Sweet Caroline' even if I don't know the others. And you sure got your share of snow again! Thanks for joining us again at Art Journal Journey, hugs, Valerie

  2. love your page and the song is beautiful,loved too.
    omg,you have snow, i love snow,but spring liked better,is not so cold.
    thank you for the wonderful photo,is so still mood.
    happy week.

    hugs jenny

  3. I'm not a serious baseball fan but I have three (sometimes four) teams -- Cleveland Indians (because otherwise I'd be disowned by my family), Detroit Tigers (the Home Team), sometimes the Cubs (just because) and of course the Red Sox! Just because I love Boston! So when I saw your splendid page I knew exactly what you were talking about! Very nice!

  4. beautiful journal page,,
    so sad about the snow lol,, we are buried in it as well,, have a good day!

  5. This page is just fantastic! Great!
    Oh - so much snow again... I am sorry for you - hope spring will come very soon now to you!
    Sounds good.. just 9 weeks school.... yes!

    Happy day and thank you very much for another fantastic idea for the For the Record theme at AJJ!

  6. Great page Erika. My first look was on the red socks and I remembered that USA have a Baseball Team with that name. Sweet Caroline is also a very nice song we also know and love in Germany. Your page is a well done composition.
    Dear Greetings

  7. 3 songs on one page, its fantastic.

  8. not a sports fan (well, unless ice skating is considered:)but you have done a fabulous job incorporating several songs into this wonderful piece!! Sorry about the snow-I hate that it has gotten so cold again-and we may have wet snow on Saturday-ugh.

  9. PLEASE send moisture my way. We need it as much as we need the winds to calm down. Yesterday was 58 MPH, today 49 MPH. Sustained winds were over 30 MPH all day. My trash container blew into the street yesterday, but I was lucky enough to see it as it started down the street. Empty trash cans were blowing all over my neighborhood. So of course, we have a huge fire danger here, still. The plumes can be seen from outer space.

    I had NO idea they played Sweet Caroline during the 7th inning stretch. What a great three fer!

  10. Glad the snow is mostly gone and now of course it's raining. You are getting ready about now I would suspect. Careful driving. Fun pages, and yes it's about that baseball time again. Fun page. xox

  11. I love this Neil Diamond song! And the beautiful work of art you created using Sweet Caroline!!!! (It was so interesting to learn about the 7th inning stretch, too!)


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