Wednesday, April 27, 2016

True Colors

So before I show you my new baking class photos for today, here's a journal spread I am linking up to 2 challenges. First of all, Art Journal Journey. The theme our hostess Linda picked this month is "For the Record", music inspired pieces. The song I digitally enhanced this page with is True Colors by Cyndi Lauper.  The base page is made from painting a pattern, then doodling over it and added a few magazine cut outs. I then digitally added the song lyrics.
I thought this song worked perfect on my background because  it is very colorful, but also  because the song  speaks of courage, and I had added the word brave on my page.
I am also linking up to Try It On Tuesday. The theme right now on that site is "Vintage Photos" and I have my one little partial vintage girl face on this page.
And yesterday I showed you those colorful socks I saw at the general store near my hotel in Norwich, Vermont. Here's one of the 2 pairs I bought myself. And yes, they are supposed to be mismatched. I love how the pattern isn't mismatched though.
I had to buy 2 pairs because it was so hard to pick which one I liked the best. As a knitter I enjoy seeing how the patterns stand out differently depending upon what colors they were knit in. I wore them today and they were soooo comfy.
So here's today's  finished baking.
 I rolled out my puff pastry into this huge rectangle.  Then we baked them so we could turn them into Napoleons.
Here's my finished piece. We filled them with pastry cream. YUM!
And we finished our Sacher torte. I apologize because I messed up the direction I wrote the word Sacher.  The woman I am sharing a work station with is from Germany and she couldn't believe I would write it in that direction. Whoops. It was good for a laugh, especially seeing I have never seen or had a Sacher torte before today. Buy oh YUMMY!
I need a little more practice writing with chocolate too. And sizing out my pieces evenly. :)
One more day to go, and then this class is over. I'm having a blast and have learned a lot of working with more complex pastries. Its been a great way to spend most of my vacation week.
Nothing else to say today.


  1. So yummy.. :)

  2. Hello... Very lovely colours.. reminds me of the song.. Colours of the wind...

  3. Now you're talking about one of my favorite artists. I even cut my hair like Cyndi's back in the 80s, but never added the hot pink. I still keep it short like hers was back then, but it is now all shaped, not notched (if you know what I mean).

    After I left you a comment last night, I checked out the solmate socks. They are wonderful. Yes, I would gladly wear them. And I bet it would be a great way to use up your leftover yarn, too.

    Gosh, it's too bad I don't live closer. I'd definitely invite myself over for the torte (grin). This would be a good weekend for Corrine to visit. You could feed her leftovers, which are not exactly left over! Can't wait to see what you do for Day 4.

  4. Your Napoleons and Sacher Torte booth loo fantastic, as is the writing - the proof of the pudding is in the eating, so no matter about the direction, a cake that looks that good must be marvelous! Love your journal page, and the song, so thanks for joining us at TIOT and AJJ. Have fun with your baking today, I wish I were there, too! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Well, we all learn and we do improve. Best of luck in everything you are currently doing. Keep in touch yea.

  6. Hope my first comment appears --- I was suddenly logged out with my tablet..grrrr

    I bake the Sachertorte with breadcrumbs instead of flour and it is a calorie bomb which I love with whipped cream..
    ( O.K. I am from Vienna - from where the famous Sacher Torte comes - so not really surpising) The other love of mine is
    just a dream!!!

    Oh no I have to stop thinking of all this .. I managed to lose 2 Ibs again ...after months of stillstanding NO NO NO more thinking of all this yumminess!

    Enjoy the rest of your free days dear Erika!
    Thanks for joining AJJ and TIOT!

  7. What a brilliant post(and the previous one that I have just caught up with!) I love those socks - so much choice - no wonder you bought two pairs!! Your cakes look yummy!!

    Now…to your fabulous journal page - such an unexpected burst of colour for the TIOT theme and I loVe it!! This is SO clever and a great AJJ page too! Oh! How pleased am I to see this and Thank You for joining us at Try It On Tuesday! Chrisx

  8. What a variety here, Erika.
    First of all I really like your patterned design with the additions, a nice combination, and I found the song on Youtube which I am listening to now.
    Fun socks, I always knit the two socks differently.
    And your baking, delicious, what an interesting way to spend your vacation week (along with everything else).

  9. You may already be on your way to Vermont, but I wanted to let you know the Zoo is doing genetic testing on the elephants. That's how they determined that the older female is the mother of the young male. There may be more genetic relationships, but the zoo doesn't want to comment until all the testing has been completed.

    According to the zoo, they did a great deal of research before applying for these animals. Much of the focus was on social behaviors in addition to amount of space needed for each animal.

  10. The colorful socks do look like fun :)

    You picked a great vacation treat! It sounds like the class has been inspiring. Your results are too pretty to eat. Well, maybe not, but you know what I mean.... ;)

  11. First of all -- best socks ever!

    Second, I would have written sacher the same way you did. I keep remembering that old graphic Plan Ahead -- only by the time they get to the last few letters they're really tiny and slanted. I would be afraid if I started on the outside and had to go to the tiny middle,I would start too big and run out of room!

    Your napoleons look to die for. What a wonderful time you are having!

  12. a super page depicting the colorful style of Cyndie Lauper and her music!! Fabulous socks and I would be so happy wearing them:) Napoleons are my mom's favorite French dessert and oh my- you have done an amazing job making both these intricate desserts that look (and I am sure- taste)like they are from a professional bakery-bien fait!!

  13. Delicious cakes and fun knitted socks. Its a super post to read today.
    Thank you for sharing yoursuper journal page and song with us at TioT's as well.

  14. What a lovely post!It's yummy yummy!

  15. A great post Erika! Love your fabulous page, the design and colors are fantastic. Your Sacher torte and Napoleons look so yummy.
    Thank you for joining us at Try it on Tuesday. Mar xx

  16. Love your journal page Erika,great colours and lots of interest around the image.
    Yummy ... wish I lived nearer, the cake looks delicious.
    Thanks for sharing with us at TioT
    Avril xx


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