Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Baking Day 2

Yup, we had a little snow today. But by the time I left baking class it  had stopped and melted.
That's good. :)
The clouds and rain which turned to snow actually made it a quiet morning. I lounged and lazed in my hotel room. I read and dozed and worked on my journal. (I was up early since my daughter came out and spent Monday night with me. We grabbed a 7 AM breakfast before she left to drive  a little over an hour to work, but I didn't have to be at baking class until noon.And baking class is less than a mile away.)
I know, it wasn't that much snow. But seeing we had hardly any all winter and now, in late April we get it, it was kind of tough to see.
Hope that people under the tornado and the western US snow warnings aren't getting either blown away (not meant as a pun) or being heavily dumped on.  I just don't know about this year's weather. Wonder if it will ever get back to being "normal".
 And how about these awesome mismatched socks? They are so colorful and are made here in Vermont. There is a general store next to the hotel I am at called Dan and Whit's.That's where I took this photo.This place sells so many different things- groceries, toys, craft supplies, tools, sewing things, books, clothes-as the quote says, if they don't sell it, you don't need it. 

And look at these locally made candy bars you can buy at the cash register at Dan and Whit's. Bernie Sanders is a Vermonter ( a Brooklyn, NYC transplant).  I thought these were a riot.
So today in baking class we baked the cake for  a Sacher Torte. We'll assemble these tomorrow.

 And we worked in the butter into our puff pastry. We rolled, folded, chilled and rolled and folded some more. Tomorrow we make Napoleons.
And we made these Bavarian Creams with a raspberry cream filling layered with chiffon cake and some whipped cream.
My husband came over to see me tonight. It worked out perfect for him since he had a meeting only 10 minutes away this afternoon and then tomorrow he has a meeting in northern Vermont. He won't have to leave quite so early in the morning, which is good for him, and I get more company tonight. Tomorrow I am driving the 2 hours home after class and I will  drive back on Thursday.
Anyhow, he at 2 of these. 
Oh and before I sign off, here's the journal page I made this morning while lounging.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Love your vacation journal page, and glad you are having a good time. The weather is crazy here too, very cold and stormy today, and I have to go out early to the doctor's....The cakes you are making sound divine, and those Bavarian creams look wonderful. Have a fun day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Hi Erika, the chocolate cake looks great. I think baking class is fun, learning to bake with others.

  3. Well, I survived last night and early this morning, but before I can survey the damage or plan any clean-up, we have another round of storms due just as everyone is headed to work. Several places in Wichita recorded baseball size hail, but we dodged the tornado bullet.

    I am SO interested in your puff pastry. I had no idea you had so much in it. I just remember my grandmother made it on special occasions, but I never asked how, since she didn't allow anyone in her kitchen. That was always a plus when it came to doing dishes, but a minus when I didn't know how to cook when I moved out on my own.

    I love the journal spread you made. It is SO colorful and so YOU!!

    Hope day three is equally as enjoyable for you. BTW, I loved those socks! I would totally wear those.

  4. this baking class is wonderful! I'm really enjoying following along with you,,

    I love the socks!

  5. Your journal spread is great, the art is as totally relaxed as you sound. Fabulous baking in the works, it all looks so good and sounds like you are learning great techniques. Glad family is keeping you company. Enjoy. xox

  6. I'm a #feelthebern supporter and got a kick out of the chocolate :)

    My mother used to make puff pastry, but I've never tried. I think a class would be very helpful. It's fun that you get to see your family during this time.

    That journal! I don't keep a journal, but I think if I had been taught to do it this way I'd still be doing it. Beautiful!

  7. Big, huge, enormous sigh! I don't know what I love more in this post -- your journal page is fabulous, the food looks delish and the sock photo may be one of my fave blog photos in ages! I may have seen that line when I was traveling in W. Mass in March -- they look familiar and so comfy! As I recall, not inexpensive but so wonderful that sometimes, who cares!

    Your baking weekend is my idea of heaven -- sorry about the snow, but I'm glad it melted quickly. I understand what you mean about light winter and snow. When we get threatened with it in Michigan at this time of year I get very grumpy!

  8. Another varied blogpost, and I enjoyed reading about all your activities.
    I admire your page you made "while lounging", it looks terrific and so full of life, I love your vibrant art.

  9. What in interesting post! I love your True Colors piece (and the socks!)

  10. What a gorgeous vacation page!And everything else is a feast for my eyes!


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