Thursday, May 26, 2016

Long Strange Trip

Thursday already. Wow, this week is buzzing right by. And we've gotten warm and it feels like summer. Has me thinking about the few weeks left of school and my summer break after that!
Today I have a page which could have worked last month when Linda hosted Art Journal Journey, as my page is inspired by music. This month Art Journal Journey has a theme of journeys, and when I was thinking  of different journeys the phrase "What a Long Strange Trip Its Been" came to mind. This is also the name of an album by the Grateful Dead. So I took the title/phrase and ran with it. The album is NOT about the circus, but when I think about the title those performers came into my mind, so today I give you the big top. (With a little bit of psychedelic 1960's color background.  It kinds of reminds me of looking up into the top of a circus tent, doesn't it?) 
I painted the background and decided it was so colorful I left the stamped images (Oxford Impressions) uncolored so they would pop off the page a little better. Then I added the stars. The little ones are metal and the big ones are chip board that I used a Sharpie to make the check design. Overall I am happy I didn't color in the images because the black and white really works on the bright colors.
So with the summery weather and the fact the kids don't have school tomorrow (teacher workday) and then its a long holiday weekend here in the US, I can image productivity is not going to be high with  my students mind today.  Maybe not high on my mind either.
Hope everyone has a fantastic Thursday, and as always, thanks for visiting.


  1. Wonderful page, love the b/w figures against that brilliant background. Enjoy the summer weather! It's warm here today, too. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Fabulous color in your circus tent Erika.
    The black n white images work really well too!
    We went from March weather to July ... I want May back.

  3. Don't tell me you're a Dead Head. I've said many times I was born a decade too late, because all my favorite groups are now considered classic rock groups.

    I've never been to a circus, so I'll have to take your word for it. But I like how the color makes the B & W pop off the page.

    It's not warm here, it's HOT! and muggy with all the rain. I have a friend who lives in CA and he said when it rained there, the rain was cold, but here in KS it's just like stepping out of a steam bath.

    Yesterday we had tornadoes that did extensive damage and they were about 30 miles from where I live (my actual home, not the city limits). One funnel cloud held two rope tornadoes and one funnel tornado. I've never seen anything like it before.

    I'll stop rambling and wish you a lovely day (and weekend, too).

  4. Fabulous page Erika! I love it ! Hope you enjoyed the summer weather as well as I did was so warm and nice.

    Thank you so much for another fantastic page for AJJ!
    oxo Susi

  5. I''ve missed a lot -- I think I need to check my feedburner (though I'm not quite sure how to do that) because I'm not getting the notifications. It makes me wonder how many others I've accidentally ignored!

    Before I forget, thanks for visiting Marmelade Gypsy and your comments! I love visits and you always say the nicest things!

    Speaking of which, this is a very fun page. Making me happy!

    Happy memorial day!


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!