Friday, May 27, 2016

One Trip Around the Sun

It is Friday again. This past week went soooo fast for me. Here in the US we have a long weekend on our doorstep. The kids in my school district are off today, as we have a teacher workday. My hope is that we get out after our workshop ends at 2. Getting out a little early before a long weekend would be a good thing to help beat the holiday traffic and help with morale a bit too. 
So today I have a journal page. The idea came from the 1997 movie GATTACA. Don't know if anyone has seen it, but it is about a world where people's DNA being engineered is more important than what someone can do or achieve with what they naturally inherited. I always show it to my kids at school, and while recently watching it I was inspired by one line that Uma Thurman  says to her new boyfriend Ethan Hawke.  GATTACA is the space center and Ethan Hawke plays a man named Vincent who is an astronaut (as is Irene, played by Uma).  He is going into space for a year, and although he's worked very hard to get to that point, he is now uncertain if he wants to go. Uma replies  to his comment about being gone for a year "That it is not that long. It is only  1 trip around the sun."
(If you haven't seen the film, I recommend it. I haven't given anything away in my description.)

This is a fairly quick page made with painting and some stamping and a little bit of collage too.
Since it is Friday I am linking up to Paint Party Friday. Thank you Kristen and Eva for hosting such a great site. And also I am linking up to Art Journal Journey where the theme is journeys. Although the month is winding down there is still a few days left to link up and join the fun.
Hope everyone has a great weekend, and if you are celebrating the long Memorial Day weekend, hope you enjoy the extra day off. 
Thanks for stopping by my post!


  1. Yes, I remember that movie! Love your journal page, thanks again for being such a super-duper hostess at AJJ!! Have a nice workshop and enjoy your long weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. Haven't seen that movie, but since there are two great actors, I must remember to watch it.

    Your work is stunning, it blew my mind away, it's so filled with emotions.

  3. What a fabulous page ---- never thought about a year in this way... fab! I don't know that film - sounds nice and interesting!
    I wish you a wonderful long weekend dear Erika - super hostess♥♥♥ - enjoy!

    super weather here again..and I will enjoy it!
    oxo Susi

  4. Oh and about the "Blaschka" name...
    no I don't think that they are relatives...
    I think this name was just often - it's an old name about profession.. think it comes from swordsmith.

  5. Great! We have different seasons around the World.
    Happy weekend☺

  6. Great back story...I missed the movie.
    I have seen a similar line in birthday cards
    "enjoy another trip around the sun" or something like that.
    Your page is turned out great Erika!
    Thank you so much for your JOURNEYS theme this month and all of your inspiring artwork too!

  7. I didn't see that movie, but I think the Line: just one trip around the sun, is really neat. I never thought of the seasons like that. Of course, I knew it, I just didn't consider it. Your art is great. Love all the seasonal painting.

  8. Yes, I have seen the movie, but a long time ago.
    I adore this journal page, clever idea for one trip around the sun....and so true.

    Have a great weekend, hope you workshop clears out early!

  9. An awesome page, love how you included the fore seasons round the sun.
    Yvonne xx

  10. sounds like an interesting movie Erika. What a great line, and I LOVE your interpretation of it. Happy long weekend!

  11. beautiful page! Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. I have not seen that movie. Interesting that uma would say that it is not that long it is just one trip around the sun. But measured in light years it is long. Lovely journal page. Have a great memorial day.

  13. I've never heard of that movie, but it sounds interesting. And if high school kids are allowed to watch it, I would probably enjoy it, too.

    My state is broke. The state govt. had to slash school budgets, which led to school districts having to slash budgets. Instead of getting rid of people like custodians, etc., they opted to let school out a week early. They were able to do that because there were no snow days taken this year (that's how mild our winter was).

    So, where did they save their money? All students are bused, and by reducing the number of days, they saved on fuel, paying drivers, paying for bus upkeep, etc. It seems they saved over $40,000.00 (yes, forty thousand) by doing this. So, Wichita kids got out very early this year, because their last day was last Friday. Eat your heart out, Erika.

    For next year, the Wichita school board wants to go even further and have school only four days a week, but for 10 hours a day. Sally, who has a Masters degree in Education Psychology says it's going to be harmful for the kids, because by the first period after lunch, they won't be able to retain anything. She thinks long hours might be good for saving dollars, but bad for both the emotional and educational health of the students. Would you like a three day weekend every week?

  14. I actually really like that movie and just saw is again a few weeks ago. The card is so much fun, bright, and energetic. Have a great weekend.

  15. Oh I love your 4 seasons page with that big yellow sun shining right in the middle, it feels very happy!

  16. Now this one really makes me smile :-)
    Michelle ♥

  17. Yes, I remember GATACA. Love your interpretation of the words.

  18. Wonderful page, and what a fabulous line. Sometimes, it's all about how you look at something. I don't know the film, it sounds like a scary world, but now I want to watch it too!


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