Sunday, May 29, 2016

Memorial Day Holiday

I LOVE having Monday's off. Three day weekends are the BEST.
Especially this one because when I return to school tomorrow I only have 14 days of kids left.
That is very exciting.
So thinking about this puts me into the "How shall I spend my summer break?" mindset. Other than the usual, what do I want to do with myself? I don't get bored very easily so maybe nothing but the usual sounds good.
So we are winding down the month over at Art Journal Journey. Just a little bit of time left to squeeze in another journey themed page.

And with it being late May, it is just a few more weeks of school until summer break. The kids are getting so antsy to finish this years school journey. I am too actually. There is something very exciting to finishing up the school year and being to refresh a bit before starting fresh in the fall. So here's my page for AJJ. This is what the end of the year can feel like.
Saturday was so summer like it was hard to imagine that there was even any school left. I mentioned yesterday how we went to my mother in laws for the afternoon as she lives on this pond. We had a fun afternoon... until this unexpected visitor arrived.
 And yes, there I am in the water. It was a little cold going in, but it was 91 degrees outside (almost 33 degrees Celsius).  I actually went in 3 times. And I had the honor of the first person of the season to go in and actually swim.
 My daughter and my niece are here-floating around and chatting. Our dog Maddie decided they were having more fun so she swam out to them.
 My husband put in the swim raft and then swam out and relaxed on it himself. Everyone went in except my mother-in-law.
 And Maddie was swimming after some sticks. Our other dog didn't go in. He had more fun chasing butterflies and dragonflies as they fluttered over the water.
I also did a little reading, in between swimming and chatting. And we all enjoyed our afternoon cocktails in the sun.
But then, as the afternoon got closer to evening, our uninvited guest arrived. We just called him Bruce. I will refer to him as Bruce.
So anyhow, I was in for my third swim, floating on the same float you saw my daughter on, lounging near the dock and chatting with my sister-in-law and mother-in-law. And my mother-in-law notices something in the water, swimming close to the shore than me. This was enough to FREAK ME OUT. I screamed like a girl (no shame in that) and jumped off the float and swam out deeper. Everyone was laughing at me, but only because they were glad it wasn't them in the water. When it was safe to get out of the water, I did, and I thought, that will be the end of it.
So I sit back down, and after a little bit I look down and noticed two pieces of rope on the back edge of the dock, There was a blue and white rope and a brown and darker brown rope.
And I asked if there was rope there My mother-in-law says-"Oh yes, its some old rope." And my brain is racing because I know we've had blue and white rope, but the other rope, is it just dirty old rope? So I get up and move out on the dock, and my sister-in-law quickly follows me and mouths "There's a head."
She's freaked out too.  I can tell.
My mother-in-law said Bruce was more afraid of us than we were of him, but he wasn't was he? Since he came out to warm himself in the sun while we were sitting there.
Meet Bruce.
About a 3 foot long northern water snake.
Gives me the creeps just looking at him.
So we hurried up to the house for dinner and we had to have a couple more drinks just to calm our nerves.
 And a yummy dinner. And talked about Bruce a lot while we ate.  We were still traumatized I think. Well my mother-in-law wasn't. She has nerves of steel at 82. She and my husband chased him off and he swam away. We hope he never comes back.
 It was a gorgeous sunset after dinner.
 My husband had a box of fireworks he had bought for New Years Eve, but with no snow cover he never shot them off. So he decided we needed a little evening entertainment.  We kind of worried Bruce had returned, but luckily not. He could hide really well under cover of darkness if he was there.

My phone doesn't take the best photos of fireworks, but its what I brought down to the dock with me. You get the gist. It was a really fun day, except for Bruce. But its an adventure to start the summer and a good story to laugh about over and tell-as long as he doesn't come back..
Hope I didn't go on too long. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I want that school bus you created for AJJ. It is PERFECT for something I want to try. And it's just like kids (and me) to ask "are we there yet?"

    Thanks for showing you actually went into the lake. It's always good to be able to prove what you did with photos. It all sounds like fun, except of course, Bruce, who I would also have chased away.

    In KS, you can only buy fireworks from June 30 to July 5. You can also only shoot them off during that time. Now Wichita wants to outlaw them altogether. So I am quite familiar with the snowy fireworks on New Year's Eve, but if caught in Wichita, you go to jail! I was used to more relaxed attitudes when I lived in MO.

    You asked about the index cards. There are prompts you can follow on the Daisy Yellow blog, but I am not planning to do that. I will take one card a day, find some scraps, and create my page. I don't plan to spend much more than 30 minutes per day on each of mine. So, YES, you can create whatever suits your fancy.

    We actually had some sun today, but more storms loom in the overnight forecast.

  2. You had a great day out, and it must have been lovely to go swimming - except for the snake - that would have freaked me out completely. Thanks for sharing all the photos of your fantastic day, including the food. The journal page is fantastic, I know how the kids - and teachers - feel just before holidays, I experienced that for 35 years! Thanks again for all you have done for AJJ, hugs, Valerie

  3. Oh my... what an exciting weekend! Glorious!
    I love all about your super story - except of Bruce ... oh my gosh.... it's dangerous in New Hampshire I guess...
    bears and even watersnakes everywhere ..wohoo!
    This lobster looks fantastic, the firework must have been great - much more better than at new year - all were happy and had fun - fabulous.. and the super page inspired by your pupils is a hit as well!!!
    It is just great to have you as a hostess at Art Journal Joureny - hope you will be do it soon again!

    oxo Susi

  4. WOWEE what a lot to celebrate and enjoy in your post.
    Your page makes me giggle.
    I always shed a tear on the last day of school and on the first day too actually...bittersweet beginnings and endings.
    BRUCE = ACK!
    any time I see a 'slitherin' it takes me back to the morning I stepped barefoot!!! on a black snake...shiver me timbers
    Your other great photos help erase the shock of Bruce.
    You are really water looks refreshing and you sure look happy Erika :-)
    You've made me hungry for lobsta for breakfast now.
    Happy Monday oxo
    p.s. I had fun making two more JOURNEYS spreads

  5. What an enjoyable time in the water and even Maddie loves the water. I will definitely freak out if I see the snake!

  6. Perfect day all in all even with meeting Bruce. Has it really been a week since I caught up- oops, got lots to read! xox


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