Monday, May 30, 2016

All The Tea in China

Today is my last day as hostess at Art Journal Journey. I want to thank Valerie and Susi for the opportunity to host this month. I also want to thank everyone who posted pages and joining me on a journey. It was a really enjoyable month for me, and I loved seeing everyone's  fantastic journal art.
Since it is Tuesday, it is time for my  T for Tuesday  post over at Bluebeard's and Elizabeth's blog. I am also linking up to Art Journal Journey. And today is the last day of the journey theme for this month.
So today I have a tea themed page that's also about journeys. A good cup of tea always leads you home. I looked up the origins of the tea plant, which is China, so I used an old map of that area, and painted in the Chinese character for tea. And then I used some of my tea stamps, all of which I have had for a long time. Finally I added this TH woman image, because she looks like someone who might have had a trip to China and also like she might love to drink tea. At least in my story that is true for her.
So its back to work  after the long weekend. I managed to get a lot of gardening done and also painted the floor on my porch. That's what I wanted to accomplish, so I am happy about that. And I also took a fly fishing lesson on Sunday. One of the things on my bucket list is to learn to fly fish and I took that first step.
I need to practice some more though.
I can toss my line out in the backyard until I get it.
And June is just about here. June! I can't believe it but I am really loving these long days and summery weather. How about you? Any big plans for upcoming  new month?
That's all for me. Thanks for visiting.


  1. You come up with the most interesting hobbies. You could probably catch a fish in my back yard "lake." I hope you are going to enjoy this new hobby.

    That is a wonderful page for AJJ. I really enjoyed seeing how you connected the tea to the journey, too. You have been such a remarkable host for AJJ. You have certainly set the bar quite high. I have been impressed.

    Thanks for sharing your tea inspired trip to China and your fly fishing hopes with us for T this soon-to-be Tuesday.

  2. LOVE your last journal page, a very interesting and well made page about tea and journeys. Thanks for being a wonderful hostess, it was a great theme, which I very much enjoyed. Have fun with fishing! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. i like your page for ajj and i´m such a fan of photobooth Pictures!! i think you did a good Job as Hostess for ajj, though i did not find the time to contribute more than once...
    good luck with fly fishing! yes, we all wish for warm summer days (lots of severe weather here the last days...)
    have a great week and happy t-day!

  4. What a lovely journal page! Yes, that lady looks like she would travel to China and love drinking tea. Funny that...
    Good for you that you are working on your bucket list! I have done most already. I have always wanted to learn to fly a glider plane. Well, of course that is a hobby I cannot afford, but for one of my significant birthdays, I had a lesson. Fantastic!
    Being retired and living in Spain was also on my list. So, I'm getting there.
    Flyfishing is not on my list. I have seen it in films (The River Runs Through It - Robert redford) but never done it. Well done you. Keep us updated on that. I find it fascinating.
    Happy T-Day,

  5. Ohhh, feels like I was with you on that journey! And another sweet journal page. Tea in China sounds good to me... when are we going ;-)
    I had to post one last journey page also. So much fun, than you once again Erika for your theme Journey this month. I had so much fun looking at all those lovely journal page posts!
    Have fun fishing.
    Michelle ♥

  6. what a lovely story along with your final journey themed page Erika! Thanks for being such a wonderful host all month at AJJ. Good for you to take up a new hobby like fly fishing-it sounds like a very relaxing thing to do. Happy T day and have a great week!

  7. Your tea page is wonderful Erika.
    It really speaks to me with the piece of map and that lady is great in her traveling hat with a very tempting cuppa.
    Can't thank you enough for a wonderful AJJ theme this month.
    Fun photo of you getting your fly fishing lesson too.
    Happy T Day oxo

  8. It's been years since I went fishing, and I've never been fly fishing. Sounds like fun :) Happy T Tuesday!

  9. the tea page is beautiful,my husband is a fly fisherman, it does take practice thats for sure,, but once you master that technique you're good to go! The tying of your own fly is lots of fun to! Adds another dimension to the whole thing,

  10. Erika my plans for the hot summer months will probably be to hide out in the NOT a summer gal... Acutally i'm looking forward to the summer solstice . Once past that i know we are sliding toward Fall and the days are getting shorter..

    How wonderful to be working on your bucket list... Fly fishing! My hubby would like to learn that!Happy happy Tday!! Hugs! deb

  11. LOVE that journal page! It really was a fun theme. Just wish I'd had more time to play...busy month for me.
    Fly fishing sounds interesting to try. Good luck!! I've only fished on lakes either from a dock or boat.
    Happy T day!

  12. An amazing last brilliant page today - I so enjoyed all your fantastic ideas - I really enjoyed that journey with you! Thanks a lot that you brought so much fun to us all during this month over at AJJ Erika!
    That must be super to learn the art of fly fishing with a professional trainer. Enjoy!!!
    I wish you a good rest of the working week.
    I am happy - my daughter brought a good result today on the last difficult test for this school-year. They have just one month more school until the summerbreak. This was such a difficult year for her ( and I can say for me as well-lol).. for nearly all of her classmates also... they got 15 and they are all crazy - at least it seems so...
    but the teachers told us parents that this is always the same each year at that age and when they manage this special school year they will go back to normal...fingers crossed that the teachers are

    oxo Susi

  13. I LOVE your tea page!!

    I've not tried fly fishing, but I am taking golf of my bucket list things too. I also practice in the back yard...since I know I can't hit the ball over the fence....LOL!

    Looking forward to hearing about your fly fishing experiences.

    Happy T-day

  14. A fantastic journal Tea page, great to use the map in the background. Happy T Day.
    Yvonne xx

  15. beautiful tea journal page! the vintage photo gives it some mystery, and love that you pull it all together with the map and character for tea. Happy T day! ♥

  16. What a lovely page with the story of tea and the lady who looks as if she might have travelled to China, very amusing, and it is actually a lovely page with lots to look at with the map and the cup and the lady and the words.

  17. What a fab final page! Love the map for the background! Good Luck with the fishing! Happy T Day, Chrisx

  18. that is a lovely collage you did. Goodluck with the fly fishing

  19. I really liked taking a trip to china with you for a cup of tea. Great page. I don't fish but I may have to learn since our new home is right on the river.

  20. Stopped by to see if I had missed a post from you because they aren't always showing up on my sidebar. LOVE the new month's blog header!! Please don't let one of those awesome bees sting me, or I'll swell up larger than you can imagine.

  21. Fly fishing is a whole other world, an elegant one for sure. Love to see you doing it. xox


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