Monday, May 9, 2016


Another weekend is now history and another work week is beginning. I hope everyone had a beautiful weekend. Our weather was a bit on the grey and cold side Saturday, but I had some art time in which I made this page.
So the butterfly's life is a journey, and since this month's theme at Art Journal Journey is journeys, and I am linking this page.
But we did finally get some sun yesterday, although not until after it was cloudy and a bit rainy for most of the day. It was sure nice to see the sun. But even so, my daughter and I went out for a fun mother's day shopping and lunch.
 We wandered through the shops of this old renovated Mill. I've been by there many times but had never been inside.  We also went to a shoe store near the mill because my daughter wanted some new sandals.  She didn't find any, but I did find some hiking shoes-on sale! I wanted some light weight water proof ones to take to Iceland with me this summer, and even though I didn't plan on buying them now, I figured the price was the right, and the shoes fit perfect, so I picked them up.
 I had this yummy hot dog for lunch with some of these fries. Not only tasty, but my daughter bought.
 Kate had a salmon BLT (bacon, lettuce and tomato). Two of her favorite foods.
 She tried this lemonade, and I ended up drinking half of it. It was so yummy.
 We did NOT have any ice cream, but this sign was next to the deli where we ate lunch. I liked it.
I think that's a good philosophy for life.

 I also finally went to the Moultonboro General Store. Another place I've driven by several times but had never stopped at. This is the oldest continuously run store in New Hampshire. Its pretty much a tourist place now, but it did have lots of fun things. My daughter and I had several good laughs.
 My husband spent a lot of the weekend working on the lawn and I found him this fun little metal sign.
It didn't keep the dogs off though.
I also found this metal sign since those pups keep pooping in my flower garden. Maybe this will make more sense to them.
Our journey took us around the big lake near us, Lake Winnipesaukee. Last mother's day was a gorgeous boating day on the lake, but today it certainly wasn't, But clouds and all, its a pretty view. 
And a good way to spend Mother's day. 
Did you do anything exciting or fun this past weekend?
Hope it was a great weekend! 


  1. Looks like you had a fun journey, good weather and good food, and had time to share lovely photos and your great journal page - thanks! M day was as always, walking, reading, crafting...Hugs, Valerie

  2. You must have had a wonderful time! On your journal page and on the "real life" journey! Fantastic pictures. Thank for taking me along!
    Michelle ♥

  3. you live in such an interesting spot! I love that sign post ,, with all the shops listed,, how cool is that. Looks like you had a great day out with your daughter,, perfect day!

    that dog sign is hilarious!!!

  4. This is beautifully composed with the lovely curve of the leaves and the sweet orange caterpillar.
    Thanks for the photos of your day which I very much enjoyed (especially the delicious food).

  5. This is a super page Erika! Thank you very much for another fab entry to Art Journal Journey! It seems you had a fantastic M-Day! Fabulous pics !Always great to see your photos! Wish you a good new week -

    oxo Susi

  6. You both seem to have had a wonderful day out and your photo shots all look great. Its a fantastic journal page and I loved your take on the theme today .Yvonne xx

  7. Before I forget, I absolutely adore this page. It just makes me smile!

    I'm so glad you had a lovely day with your mom. The pix are great and I confess to a pang of jealousy, being able to spend a day with your mom! It sounds perfect!

    And a quick thank you for your visits to the Gypsy! I always love it when you stop by!

  8. Such a fun post Erika on so many levels!
    Your sweet caterpillar makes me think of the Eric Carle Very Hungry Caterpillar ♥
    I am having a good time trying to catch up with you and all of your creativity!


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