Saturday, May 7, 2016

Norwich, Vermont

I am glad it is Saturday even though it isn't suppose to be a beautiful sunny day here in New Hampshire. Even though my yard needs some TLC, I guess it is going to have to wait, unless the rain showers stop that is.
 Here's a couple journal pages I made in my spring summer journal about my journey to Vermont. I am going to link this post to Art Journal Journey. I made them with collage and sketching. The colors below I made by using some of those Tim Holtz distress crayons and then using a wet brush over them.
Thought you might enjoy a few photos from the little town in Vermont where my baking class was and where I stayed for a couple nights during my 4 days class.
This is a pretty house, and below is the old Victorian Inn I stayed at.
This store sells EVERYTHING.  And I mean everything. 
Here's their motto. "If we don't have it, you don't need it."

A peek in their window. This colorful paisley is from a piano they keep outside.I leaned on it to take my snapshot through the window.
Cool fence!
Another view of the inn. I actually stayed in the greenish building you can see off to the left. 
The Inn has all these rocking chairs on the front porch- but too cold to sit out in April. And below are their mascots. That's a little taxidermy owl on the moose's antler.

Norwich is a pretty little New England town for sure.
I hope you enjoyed your little views.


  1. This must been a wonderful place - fantastic photo impressions Erika! Your journal pages as a reminder of the baking class are fabulous - great sketching skills and your handwriting is super !

    You are a wonderful hostess for Art Journal Journey ♥♥♥
    I am very stressed meanwhile with brothersitting.
    He needs so much of me the whole day - would not be so hard if he would not wake me up in the middle of the night when he must go to the loo - and if he can't sleep he keeps me awake with the art os soundeffects -lol.

    But we have nice weather and I manage to walk him today in the morning 13ooo steps - so I hope that he will have a better sleep after more walking.

    Happy Saturday Erika!
    oxo Susi

  2. Love your journal pages of Vermont, baking class etc. Vermont is a very pretty little town, thanks for sharing the lovely photos. I would love to stay at that quaint inn. Great sign in that shop, too. Thanks for all your great support for AJJ! Have a lovely weekend in spite of the rain, hugs, Valerie

  3. I like the journal pages and the photos are so refreshing. Have a nice weekend!

  4. Sweet spot, so New England. Would love to browse around in Dan and Whit's. Xox

  5. Wonderful photos and well done pages of your journey. All looks so very nice. Vermont must be a nice place for making holidays there.

  6. The photos of the town you stayed in look wonderful, I would have liked that shop as well. Fantastic journal pages a great reminder for your classes and visit,

  7. Your journal pages are incredible. I adore how you managed to keep these up in your journal. It must be a wonderful journal, and I would love to peruse it.

    I was glad you shared Dan and Whit's with us, since you explained it so well in a previous post. And I see what you mean by still wintery looking there.

    It looks like it's a lovely town, and some of the homes are similar to those in the mid-west. Others looked definitely New England. Thanks for sharing these and happy Mother's Day.

  8. Wow what a beautiful place to go to. Love your page a nice reminder of your time there.

  9. I love seeing your Vermont photos! They're really charming and it looks like a town I'd love to visit! Fun to hear about your baking experience.

    And I especially loved the journal page with the painting and weather!

  10. Lovely to see your surroundings.
    We are overdue for a trip to New England.
    Such a charming place.
    Fun journal pages too Erika!


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