Monday, June 27, 2016

More Views from When I was Out Island Hopping

Let me see if I can write today's post without so many spelling and grammar mistakes as I had in yesterday's post.  Anyhow, I'm still mentally out on Star Island today, and I have some more photos to show you.  If you're a little confused, you can look back to yesterdays post for clarification.
Island Hopping
I mentioned there was an art barn on the island.
This is something I dream about having, a studio in a barn. Lots of space for a big table to work on, and other tables and cabinets all along the walls. Can't blame a girl for dreaming, can you?

 And if I could have everything, I'd want this view. I think this view would inspire me to create great art.
But I'm OK not having everything, because I have enough to be happy about. But still, what a view.
 There's also a little marine lab on the island.
 I have a lot of these little natural treasures in my happy place. I think in a way this little marine lab is all about art too. Nature is art as well as science,
 Did you know scallops has all these light sensitive blue eyes on the edges of their shells? You can see all the little dots in the photo.
I couldn't capture this with my camera, but these scallops were squirting water out and it would have made a fun photo.
And did you ever wonder what a seagull nest looks like?

 Worn bones  are very cool.

I think this shell makes a great display dish for these sea urchin skeletons. I'll be including some of these wonders as inspiration in "my barn".
Even if it is just a hope and dream.
Hope you enjoyed your views today. I'm off a for a day of shopping with my sister-in-law.  We're both off to Costco to stock our larders so to speak. Yesterday when people were complaining they had to go to work, we joked that we had a hard day of shopping ahead.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today. As always, I appreciate it.


  1. Yes, we all need our dreams, most definitely! My dream would also be a lovely, big studio and not just a corner of the kitchen! The photos are wonderful, and I loved seeing all the shells and scallops etc in their natural habitat. It's really lovely where you live, I could smell the sea just looking at the photos! Have a wonderful day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Lovely look at so many seaside wonders.
    I'd never seen a scallop shell with those dots before or a gull's nest either. Treasures from the sea always speak to me.
    There certainly IS something to be said about a nice view too.
    Hope you had a good time shopping.
    It's a good workout with all of the large quantities of items sold at Costco ;-)

  3. Cool views, great building. Love these collections.

  4. Great photos Erika, I'll soon enough close the school for the summer leave, 8 days more and I can spend my time crafting :)

    Love and hugs

  5. A wonderful place to visit and see all those interesting things. Its good to have dreams.
    Yvonne xx

  6. AH, what interesting photos. Lots of things I had no idea about, like scallops having blue eyes on the edges of their shells. What a hoot. Of course, I've never been that close to a scallop that was alive, so this was very interesting to me.

    Thanks for sharing your awesome dream. I can see why you would want this lovely art room. Totally awesome, of course.

  7. Wonderful photos Erika! Wow!
    We need to have dreams ---
    we need to have dreamers!!!

  8. Oh, I love this post more than I can say with all the shells and then the art barn studio, too? Wouldn't that be heaven to have your own studio -- just yours, not have to share it with the kitchen or the dining table or whatever? And so picturesque! Looks like you were having a divine time on the island!


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