Monday, June 27, 2016

On the Water

Happy T day everyone. Today my T drink is  this cold beer, enjoyed on the boat after island exploring last Saturday. I'm not a huge drinker, but on a warm sunny day, relaxing on the water, it tasted wonderful. This is one of my favorite microbrews out of Vermont.
And the other day Elizabeth  commented how she wanted to know more about my one of my photos of  some bridge construction, and since she is our lovely hostess, today I have a few more of those photos to share.

Hope you enjoy them Elizabeth.
Stop by Elizabeth and Bleubeard's blog-Altered Book Lover to see what the T Gang has been up to this past week. I'll have some art next time I post, promise.
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I'm not a beer drinker at all. But that does look and sound good while out on the water. Anything is better on the water.

  2. Oh Erika, the engineer in me came out and I got all excited. I had to enlarge the photos and enjoy each one to its fullest. Thank you. To me, that IS art!!!!

    Isn't it ironic that you can drink on a boat, but not in a car. You can have an open bottle, as can everyone on board a boat, but any open bottle in a car and you are immediately taken to jail. I have often contemplated that. I thought it was a lovely photo of your beer, the open water, and the fact I knew you weren't behind the wheel or whatever steers the boat. Since it's a micro-brewery, do they have stout? If so, please put one on ice for me!!

    Thanks for sharing these awesome bridge and water photos, as well as your beer with us for T this soon-to-be Tuesday.

  3. The bridge is a very interesting construction. Beer on the boat in hot weather sounds great!Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. That must have been an amazing sight, to get so close to the construction.
    Happy Tuesday.

  5. I am impressed by this construction -- wow and yes I would take this beer just now....
    I love a good beer every now and then.
    Happy T-Day!
    oxo Susi

  6. how nice to spend such a wonderful day on the water-with a cold beer too! Interesting to see bridge construction-from afar:) Happy T day!

    PS about the tour de France-I never really have any favorite team or person-it's more about the seeing of the countryside they all go through:):)

  7. That looks very refreshing! I'm not a beer drinker either but now it's so hot there is a beer here called Radler, which is lager/pilsner with cloudy lemon and it's lovely in hot weather. I have taken a shine to that this summer. Not all brands make Radler so we are always hunting for a few cans to put in the fridge.
    The bridge construction is fascinating. I am going to find your blogpost where you wrote about it. Being Dutch (Holland being famous for its 'water' engineers)I find things like that interesting.
    Thanks for visiting earlier,
    Happy T-Day,

  8. Hi, it's me again. Just read through your other vacation blogs. What a beautiful island. My question is: when the bridge is finished will it no longer be an island? I will have to look up Star Island....
    Again Happy T-Day,

  9. That is quite the construction project. The beer looks good on a hot day!
    Happy T day

  10. Gorgeous construction!Very interesting!I don't drink beer.Happy t day!

  11. Island hopping in Vermont huh?? Sound wonderful! Beer... not a fan. Now maybe once or twice in my life on a really hot day and the beer was really icecold and there was nothing else to drink i have had one or Happy Happy T day !! Hugs! deb

  12. Great to see you out on the water enjoying a beer! Happy T day :-)

  13. I am neither a beer drinker nor a good sailor but I did enjoy seeing the bridge being built! We go past one each week that is being built over a river for a new motorway link to a port - it is fascinating to look out for changes! Hugs, Chrisx

  14. I love seeing beer from local breweries. I like the blue label! Looks like a divine time. So far the summer weather has been just perfect!

  15. Happy T -ummm... Thursday? Ah, well. Better late than never I'm saying ;) That's going to be some bridge!

  16. Sorry to be so late to wish you a Happy T Day Erika.
    Computer issues were a nightmare, but I'm back.
    Your blog header looks really super!
    And those are some great pix of the bridge construction.
    I am always drawn to rusty industrial stuff... add water and it's extra magic :-)
    Hope you have a great weekend.
    I am really behind again in blogland.


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