Thursday, June 2, 2016

Second on the Second

Welcome to the  Second on the Second  over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth' s blog.  And June, already! I said it the other day and I am still in shock. Now we are down just over 2 weeks of school left.
(I am so excited and ready for summer. I'll try not to be a pain and keep bringing it up, but I might not be able to control myself.  :)  )
So today for my second views I decided to share some old photos I posted in June during the last 9 years that I have been blogging. To me, they all celebrate early summer!

Sometimes I think it might be freeing to go just roll in the grass. But then I think people might think I have really lost it.
Oh I miss my last puppy Harley. He loved to roll in the grass but hated to have his picture taken. We used to think he felt like it was sucking out his life force. He lived a good long life for a big dog (over 14 years) and although he's been gone 2 years that past week, I miss him still.
Moths on the windows means warm nights.
I live in a region with lots of lakes and summer places. I'd call them cabins, but so many of them are not longer that. But yet everyone still puts up their sign, even if their cabin is 10,000 square feet and worth 2 million dollars.
And summer camps are getting ready to open too.
My veggie garden is all planted. I love watching the little plants pop out of the soil and then grow and produce. Last year we were kind of dry and my garden kind of petered out. I hope to get a good harvest this year. I didn't get to do much pickling or processing last year, and I missed it.
OK, here's another one of Harley. He really didn't like water either. But we used to take him on a rare occasion anyhow. He didn't mind if the water was smooth. he just hated it rough because of splashes and he'd get wet. he hated getting wet.
Unlike my dog now. Maddie would go swimming around the ice on the lake in the winter. I think she'd rather be wet than dry.
On the dock at my mother-in-laws. No snake named Bruce either that day.
(Thanks goodness for that)

And the flowers make me excited.
Can't wait for strawberries!

I used to work part time in the summer as a lake host. I would sit at the boat ramp and check boats to be sure they weren't bringing in invasive weeds into the lake. It was a good job. I could read and doodle when there wasn't any boats. It was the perfect part time summer job, when I wanted to work a little bit that was.
And drinking Ice cream frappes on occasion is never bad.

And of course flowers. :) Rain spotted flowers are even prettier. :)
And last summer I lost this guy, my Leo. I miss him too. He was like having a dog in the house, and he was my shadow.

But I love this time of year. Things are always changing. I don't know about my irises this year; they are hardly up so far. Hopefully they will still come up but they're kind of late...
Any which way, welcome to June.


  1. I loved this tour through your summer world from past years and hope that this summer will be just as good if not better. I know how you feel with only 2 weeks to go till school is over, it's great to look forward to! Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie
    PS I've got asparagus soup today, no chicken in the house!

  2. Lovely array of summer photos. Thanks for re-sharing them!

  3. What a wonderful look back at your last nine years of June blogging. I enjoyed the nostalgia of it all.

    I had a Chesapeake Bay Retriever with a pedigree a mile long, that didn't like water, refused to get in unless I got in first, didn't like loud noises (went crazy on July 4), and couldn't find a bird unless it was right in front of him. But he was the greatest lap dog in the world, had great form, and LOVED to have his picture taken. He would wait until he heard the click of the camera, then he would move and pose in a different position. He reminded me of your adorable Harley when it came to water and boats.

    Sounds like you had a wonderful summer job. I wish something like that would fall into my lap. BUT, I don't live near water. Even my back yard lake has dried up and sun is predicted for the next five days.

    Thanks for digging up this nostalgic look back over the last nine early summers with us for Second on the 2nd this month.

  4. Welcome June... yeah it sounds unbelievable doesn't it. Especially today because we have a very chilly wind blowing through, in fact it's been visiting us regularly over the last few days.
    Gorgeous photo's especially of your adorable furry friends that are no longer with you. It's bitter sweet that we have to part, but so worth enjoying the time we have with them. My dog was rolling on the fleshly cut grass yesterday.
    Beautiful blooms too. Some of my flowers are a little late, but we did have a few warm days and plants just popped up all over the garden.
    Enjoy your week and I hope you have a fabulous June ~ xo

  5. I enjoyed all your June photos during the years ... great ..
    no wonder that you miss them both ..
    we never forget about beloved pets ...
    they are in our hearts forever!
    HAPPY JUNE dear Erika!!!
    Sorry for being late ..I am just so busy right now...
    but it feels quite good.

    Your new header is super!

    oxo Susi

  6. Beautiful photos Erika and I would love that part-time job too :)

  7. its so hard to lose our furry family members,, they leave such a hole in our heart don't they, I miss mine too,,
    such beautiful photos,,

  8. Really great post. Thanks for Shari g it again. Xox

  9. Such an array of really lovely photos.
    Full of memories and promise and beauty and more.
    No need to contain your excitement Erika!
    You've worked hard to get to this point so enjoy * enjoy!
    Happy June oxo
    p.s. LOVE your bee header!!!

  10. I remember the days of anticipation of the end of the school year. Older students finished in June but schools usually don't finish until the end of July. Those two weeks will surely whizz by! I lovedon't looking at your June photos! Hugs, Chrisx


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