Sunday, July 17, 2016

Always Follow Your Heart

Today I have a different kind of garden page for Art Journal Journey. This month's theme is "In My Garden", hosted by Yvonne.
My page is a little abstract, but the garden should be a place created with love, that is if you love working in outdoor spaces.
When I was cleaning out some papers last week I found this very pretty paper towel (kitchen roll). It was covered with ink from various spraying and stamping of other projects, and I liked it enough to attach it onto the watercolor paper which I used for my journal page and  so the paper towel became my background. 
The flowers are stamped and then painted. I hand cut the heart and also stamped the saying.  To get it to stamp clear enough  to read I first put down a bit of green paint. That's one issue working with paper towels, they have a little texture to them.
So yesterday we went up to my mother-in-laws since she lives on a pond and it was so humid a little swim was necessary.  I brought my water camera along because it was another opportunity to play with it, and I got some photos that really made me happy. One of my husband's sisters was there, along with her daughter. And we had the dogs too.
I got some really cool underwater photos. (And yes, I still haven't figured out how to set the date yet.)

I love this one of my niece. She had just dived off the swim raft. I shot all these underwater shots blind,  just by putting the camera in the water and clicking the shutter.

I even got a shot of the "killer" sunfish who guards his nest ferociously at the bottom of the steps.  He likes to chase you and "gum" you with his stubby teeth. It makes it a little tricky getting in and out of the water.
Yesterday's dog trick was to teach them to climb the ladder onto the swim raft. 

Pete, the black dog in the back, was very quick to figure out the ladder to get himself up on the raft. But Maddie figured out how to leap off. Of course, none of us for expecting her to do that so I never got a shot, but she looked fantastic, getting a lot of air.
I think the view from the water perspective is great. Certainly changes my summer photos. :)
Hope everyone's new week starts off in a good way.


  1. The page is just beautiful and I am thrilled about all this fantastic photos! Just GREAT!!!

    Thank you so much for another fab post linked to AJJ - you rock Erika!

  2. Another wonderful journal page with lots of gorgeous details, thanks for joining us again at AJJ. And the photos are FAN*TAS*TIC - I want a camera like that! But then I would need water to swim in, too...Looks like you had fun weekend with the family, 2 and 4 legged. I'm glad you are enjoying your summer break. Have a good week, hugs, Valerie

  3. I agree a garden should be made with love, your page looks fabulous, super kitchen towel background, and great vibrant colours.
    I think you are enjoying your new camera with these fabulous photos, you will guess that once again I was drawn to your dogs enjoying the water.
    Yvonne xx

  4. The journal page is lovely and the photos made me feel cooler on this hot humid day.

  5. This is a lovely entry for AJJ. I know how hard it is to stamp on paper towels, so you did good by adding the paint.

    You made me very happy when you shared these latest photos. I love the new and unique perspective. It's a wonderful way to bring summer fun to the page.

  6. fab garden page Erika, and I am loving your underwater shots-looks like a ton of fun!

  7. Lovely garden page full of Love and special elements!
    Your underwater shots are fabulous Erika.
    Such clear water.
    But now I'll be thinking about your sunfish gumming with his stubby teeth ACK! Great shot of him and his shadow.
    Super pix above water too.

  8. I forgot to mention the photo of the person on the steps in the water reminded me of my flooded basement. Sad, but true.

  9. This looks like so much fun. We had swimming dogs today...a bit cooler which is fine by me. did you get that thunderstorm yesterday? xox

  10. Oh my, your page is so bright and cheery, it really makes me smile! The underwater photos are so cool, the clarity of the picture is fabulous. I think the fish came to see what you were all up to :-). I can see you having lots more fun with your new camera throughout your summer break. Happy Wednesday! J :-)

  11. I love what you did with your underwater camera!! It's great!!

  12. Not only does this look like a fun day but the underwater camera is fabulous! Nice shots!


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