Sunday, July 17, 2016

Hot and Steamy

Happy Sunday from a hot, humid and quite steamy New Hampshire. I slept in this morning quite late, but I needed that I guess. And the weather is  mix of sun, rain, and clouds, probably thunderstorms ahead, so I'm glad we planned a boating day yesterday because I don't think today would be a very good (or safe) one.
So first of all I have a new page for Art Journal Journey. I am having fun with this month's theme of "In My Garden" hosted by the talented Yvonne.
Its mostly hand painted excepted for the hummingbirds which I used the left overs from a die cut as a stencil to make. Then I stamped the garden saying (from Crafty Individuals). I don't know what these flowers are except they are my own sketch. I wish I had flowers like this in my garden. :)
So last winter I bought a little waterproof camera by Intova. They are built in Hawaii for surfers, and I thought it would be fun when we are boating and/or swimming to have a camera to get some photos. 
 My first attempt using it I only managed to get 2 photos because I had it on video the whole time. (The video's weren't so good either as I keep thinking I was taking photos so they lasted like 2 seconds). But yesterday I got 108 photos. I'm still working on the learning curve as its a little different from a regular camera. But here's some I liked.
 Notice I've never set the date and time stamp. I will one of these days. Something else to figure out.
 Its cool to be able to have a camera in the water . Instead of looking out of the boat, I can look back to the boat. I would have never taken my camera or phone into the salt water.
You can see we brought the dogs yesterday. We spent most of the hot day anchored off a little beach on the back side of a state park (Odiorne) . We're in a harbor,  and its not a huge beach, but a good calm place to anchor. When the tide is down, like it was yesterday, we can actually walk in from the boat. Its also a good place to swim, and yesterday the water was actually quite warm.  At first the dogs were excited to go in but they didn't quite know how to get off of the boat. They were trying to get onto the little swim platform you can see here, like they had seen us do, but the rail was making it difficult for them.
So the hubby came and showed them how to do it.
We gave them a little swim and then they got hoisted back into the boat.
We went in and headed for the beach. Since its not an official beach and on the edge of the state park, lots of people bring their dogs with them.
Good thing, because we look back and first one of them is jumping in and then the other is too.
 (And neither of them are jumpers.) They just didn't want miss the fun.

 I like the fish-eye lens effect. 
And it takes fun underwater photos.

Next time I need to snap a photo like this under the water to get their legs.
I bet that would be a fun photo.
Anyhow, as you can see, it was a fun afternoon and a good way to stay cool.
Hope you're having a fun weekend (or had a fun weekend). 
Thanks for stopping and visiting.


  1. Another wonderful journal page, love those flowers, and I would enjoy having them on my balcony, too.Thanks from AJJ!! LOVE all the photos today, and that camera is a great idea. Good that all of you, 2 and 4 legged family members, had such a wonderful time in, on and by the water! Have a good start in the week, hugs, Valerie

  2. Your flowers for your AJJ piece are really gorgeous - would love them too in my garden.
    Your camera sure looks fun - what fabulous photos - can't wait to see what else you take with it.
    Gill xx

  3. Your journal page looks lovely - I love the hummingbirds. We have quite a lot of them around here, and I'm always in awe about the noise they can make for being such a tiny bird. Quite sassy as well.
    You seem to have had a wonderful outing - it's fun to play around with dogs. I think I really need to check out underwater cameras.
    First time I'm visiting your blog, and I like it. I looked around a little bit - love the pictures of the moose. Reminds me a lot of our cross country trip (I'm in Northern California) when we saw tons of them (literally) in Maine.

  4. Gorgeous flowers and hummingbird page with one of my favorite quotes Erika!
    You had fun with that waterproof camera with those neat photos.
    You reminded me that we have a waterproof camera somewhere that needed the last couple of photos clicked so we can see what we took.
    That will certainly be a BIG surprise years later.
    Thanks for sharing your fun in the sun.
    Our weather sounds similar.
    Happy rest of your Sunday oxo

  5. A beautiful page, the flowers would be lovely in my garden as well.
    Super photos of your boat trip, loved seeing the dogs enjoying the water as well.
    Yvonne x

  6. I LOVE the flowers you painted. They would be fun in my garden, too. and the hummingbirds are birds I've never seen in real life, even though I put a feeder out for them.

    I think this is a wonderful thing to have a waterproof camera. I wanted one a few years ago, then lost interest. The photos you took are fantastic and I think seeing feet and legs in water would be a hoot! Hope you Sunday is winding down nicely.

  7. Your flowers are just AWESOME - red New Hamphire happiness daisies I guess!
    A super idea with that camera - the photos are already super and I think you will get fabulous photos in future with it!
    Hope to see them all...
    I can see that you had much fun on this little island harbour - looks like a perfect place for the boat and for enjoying some nice hours!
    A happy new week for you - and all the best for the adventure - I would love to come to iceland with you!
    oxo Susi

  8. Beautiful journal page! ♥ Also love those pics. My husband and I are also boats lovers ... we just came back from Croatia last week. Hope you enjoyed the water where you are as much as we did :-)
    MiSchra ♥
    P.S. I even saw a mermaid!

  9. What fun to have a camera you can use around the water. It has been _so_ hot and steamy, and you've found the perfect answer to it on the beach. I love your photos :)


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