Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Bright Flowers

I have another page for Art Journal Journey today. The theme is "In My Garden" hosted by Yvonne. I used a Gelli print as my background and created this bright cheery page. That's how my garden feels to me, a bright and cheery place. Right now I have yellow and white flowers blooming. Plus some pink and orange and red flowers too. :)
The quote says "Flowers refresh the spirit and lift the soul. M. Lever"
These blooms in my garden certainly are refreshing my soul.

Its been a bit dry here and surprisingly the flowers seem to be loving it. Just enough rain I guess to give them an occasional drink.
Tomorrow (Thursday), I am headed south to Boston. The hubby needs to visit his kidney specialist, and I am going along.  Keep your fingers crossed his blood work comes back normal so he can move forward with his transplant this fall.
I hope I can convince him to visit the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum afterwards. I know the art won't excited him but I would think her house (which is very historical and interesting itself) might. 
Gardner and her husband did extensive traveling in the late 1800's and early 1900's. During their travels they bought a lot of art, which they displayed in their Boston home. When she died, Isabella Stewart Gardner stipulated in her will that her home remain as is and become a museum. 
The museum is also famous because in 1990, 13 priceless works of art were stolen. The case is still open because they have never yet been found.
I haven't been there since the 1980's, and I really want to go back.
I will have photos for you IF we make it there tomorrow. 
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. LOve the new journal page, really bright and cheery, as a garden should be. Great photos, is that a grasshopper sitting on the flower in the last one? Good luck with the trip to Boston, and hope you get to visit all you want. Hugs, Valerie

  2. A wonderful page - amazing -- I love how the flowers pop against the brilliant background!
    Your roses are just wonderful!!! Charming!
    Hope everything went well at the hospital - fingers crossed that the blood work is normal♥♥♥
    and I hope I will see some photos of that museum - sounds very interesting!
    Right now they are here with the new kitchen..yeeeaaah!

    Thank you for another fabulous entry to AJJ Erika!
    oxo Susi

  3. What gorgeous art! I love all your effects and blooming flowers. The white bird, butterfly and gentle white flowers make a super contrast to draw that colour out, very beautiful! I love when it's that time of year when the flowers are in full bloom, thanks for sharing yours!

  4. Lovely page and beautiful roses. xox

  5. Pretty journal page. Love the beautiful flowers.

  6. This is wonderful with beautiful colours and images

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. That is a stunningly colorful blooming page you created Erika!
    Great use of a gelli print too.
    Flowers are such a wonderful part of have some beauties there.
    Sending all good wishes for a good report for your husband.
    Hope you get to visit the museum too.

  8. I love your bright flowers, its a beautiful summery page.
    Hope all went well for your trip to Boston.
    Yvonne xx

  9. I'm loving those bright and cheery flowers and the white elements really make a statement, your little bird is lovely! The quote you have used is so true, flowers certainly refresh the soul. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your husband and wish you a great week :-)

  10. I hope you get good news from the blood tests. I look forward to photos if you make your side-trip :)

  11. Well, I haven't peeked, so have no idea if your hubby's tests are good news or bad. But I like the gelli inspired garden scene, as well as the photos. I was telling Valerie earlier that my grandmother loved yellow roses, so these roses are simply gorgeous.

  12. I think your page beautifully captures your lovely garden. So bright and most of all, so happy!


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