Thursday, July 7, 2016

A Courtyard Garden

 So today I have a little different take on Art Journal Journey's theme of "In My Garden". I created a night time garden view, which in its own way is as interesting as the day. I decided to add fairies, and make it a bit more magical.  It would be fun if there really were some magic beings in my garden. Thanks Yvonne for the great theme this month.
And since it is Friday, I am also linking up to Paint Party Friday. Big thanks to Kristen and Eva for hosting. Stop by both link ups for some great art.
So for those of you stopped by yesterday, I want to say we had good news at the doctors- as long as my husband's blood levels come back OK, the kidney specialist thinks he'll be good to go for a September transplant.  We should know in a week or two, but the doctor did contact the transplant department which we have also been dealing with for the last year and told them he is signing off on my husband. He is ready.
And my hope after the doctors was a visit to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, and since it wasn't even 11 AM, we hopped on the subway and headed across Boston to the Fens. This is a part of Boston that was build in the later 1800's. 
This is the home Isabella Stewart Gardner built in the Fens. She called it the Palace.  It is an interesting building outside, but nothing like inside.
Gardner and her husband traveled extensively and collected all kinds of art and artifacts on these journeys.  They are housed in her home, which she stated in her will  (she died in 1924) would become a museum, that should be left in the same condition as she kept it during her life time.
I last visited the museum back in the 1980s, but have wanted to go back in the last few years. When I visited then, this gorgeous modern addition didn't exist. I think it works really well with the rest of the museum.
The Palace is 4 stories tall. The top floor was Gardner's private living space, but the first 3 stories were her public home where she kept her art. Unfortunately yesterday the second floor was closed for some work, but at least they moved the treasures into some of the new building's space. 
In 1990, 13 priceless works of art were stolen from the museum and still have  not been recovered. They were taken from a room on the second floor, and since the thieves tried to remove the pieces in their frames, but could not, they cut the pieces out of their frames. Since then the frames have hung empty on the wall, but since the second floor was closed, I didn't get to see the empty frames. 
Oh well, next time.
So I took a ton of photos, but thought today I would focus in on the first floor, which has a gorgeous courtyard garden. More photos another day.  :) 

Even her garden was filled with art. This is an ancient Roman mosaic.

I wonder if this garden changes during the year and if any of these plants get "brought in" for a season and then changed out for the next? Obviously there must be professional gardeners who care for this. 
I think back in the 1980's we might have been able to walk through this courtyard. It was so long ago I don't actually remember though. But I have this vague memory of walking through it. 
Maybe it was all a magic dream of night in a garden.
Thanks for visiting today. I wish you all a wonderful weekend.


  1. Love your night garden with fairy. I am sure there are fairies in your garden, they just don't like to be seen! Thanks for another entry for AJJ. Good to hear that your husband's tests went well. That museum and garden looks great, must have been wonderful there. Have a nice day, happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  2. I am in love with this page - just amazing and this garden and building is beautiful - thank you for showing the photos and the best is to hear that the blood levels are o.k. - super! The kitchen is installed - hubby has now to install the electrical equipment and I have to make decisions wether I like a tiled back splash or something else ?! It got nice so far - kind of modern but fits good to the house as well - Thank you for another beautiful entry to AJJ Erika ! Happy weekend! Enjoy!
    here is first photo of the kitchen

  3. Your page is magical, and good news on your husband. Thanks for the tour as well Erika.

  4. Yes, this is a beautiful magical page. Who wouldn't want to have a fairy in their garden. Everything about this piece is perfection. One can't help but love it. It was nice seeing the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum again. I can remember so well the place on the wall where the Rembrandt "Storm on the Sea of Galilee" hung. I guess we will never know who carried off that heist and where all the pictures are. Enjoyed all of your photos. genie

    Rembrandt's The Storm on the Sea of Galilee

  5. Fantastic news!!! The gardner is a wonder. When I was a Simmons (next door) we used to be invited there for Friday tea and chamber music in the courtyard. It was quite something and we used to do it often. We also had tea in our dorms as well. Such old fashioned traditions, wonder if they live on at all. xox

  6. Lovely magical art work ~ sending you lots of healing energy for your hubby and you ~ Glad you got to the Isabella museum ~ one of my favorites!

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  7. Your page with the night garden is really beautiful, Erika. I love the newspaper leaves. What a great idea! And the photos of the Palace are gorgeous. Wish I could see that museum.

  8. An inspiring courtyard garden! I'd love those views :)

  9. You've many styles, this is great.
    Happy weekend 😆

  10. OH MY what an absolutely splendid courtyard garden Erika!
    Fascinating to read about the Palace and more.
    It must be sad looking at the empty frames...the nerve of some people GOSH!
    Your nighttime garden looks enchanted and oh so lovely.
    Great take on Yvonne's super theme this month.
    Very happy that you got the news you wanted from the doctor too!!!

  11. It was good to read that you had some good news yesterday.
    Your night time garden looks wonderful, a magical place to be.
    Fabulous photos from the museum visit as well.

  12. Your nighttime garden really does look magical! And that building is amazing! Wow, must be beautiful to walk around there ...

  13. Beautiful painting...and what great news about hubby...and those photos are truly gorgeous! Glad you had a small reprieve from all the stress!

    Hugs Giggles

  14. I want a court yard that has a palm tree. That would be ideal. I'm really in love with palm trees and seeing one in Boston made me squeal with delight. I really enjoyed this post and look forward to many more entries from this lovely Gardner's Palace.

  15. Good idea for a fairy garden - yes I believe, there are fairies - we only don't see them! Beautiful photos!

  16. I love your night time garden, it is truly magical and the sentiment is so true! So pleased that you got the good news you were looking for about your hubby. The museum looks a great place to visit, your photos are wonderful - the courtyard garden is spectacularly beautiful! Happy weekend! J :-)

  17. I've been looking at both your posts on the Gardner -- it's a place I visited only once but fell in love with. (And the Vermeer was still there then, too.) The photos bring it all back. I'm glad you did two posts -- it was fun to "go back inside" with you! But isn't that courtyard just fabulous?

  18. Hi Erika! Wonderful journal page with a beautiful and magical design!!!
    Great to read the good news about your husband.
    Mar :)

  19. What a beautiful page, and what an absolutely gorgeous place! I'm not suprised that you have been inspired by this visit, it does look magical, as goes your page. Who knows if there aren't any faeries there? How wonderful about the good news from the doctors!


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