Friday, July 1, 2016

Color and Cloth

 Summer playing has begun. I love when I can move my work outside and do those things its hard to do inside all winter.
I've started painting some canvas.
I still have a ways to go as I keep adding bits and bobs of color on the canvas. I'm in no rush to finish right now though. I just like having fun with color.
And I tried my hand at dyeing some cotton yarn too.
I think I'll knit it on some supersized needles to make a net like scarf for wearing in warm weather . Knitting with cotton yarn is kind of weird-it doesn't feel quite right when you are used to wool- but its still fun to do, especially with yarn you dyed yourself.
 I am linking up to Paint Party Friday. Thanks Kristen and Eva for being such gracious hostesses every week. Stop by and check out all the great painting going on by some fantastic artists.
I also have a piece for Try It On Tuesday today. The theme is I Believe I can Fly. So I made a journal page.
The words say "Pete loves chasing bugs and he has a big tongue."
Pete is one of our dogs, and I can't say it really looks like him, but I still like how he came out. Its cartoon Pete.
Check out all the great mixed media pieces pieces at TIOT.
The long 4th of July holiday weekend begins  here in the US. Its our Independence Day celebrations. The hubby has today off, as well as Monday, the actual holiday, and I think today we are going to be squeezing in a little morning boat trip on the lake before he has to go to dialysis later in the afternoon.  I am hoping we motor over to Meredith (which is the town across the lake) for lunch at this restaurant I have never eaten at but want to try.
Other than a little rain tonight it is suppose to be a gorgeous weekend  (if you can believe the weather people- it is always suppose to be gorgeous in their forecasts for holiday weekends). I think we have a couple of days of boating planned, both today on the nearby lake  and tomorrow on the ocean. I think my daughter's boyfriend is coming along tomorrow, and we've only met him once, so I am excited to spend some time with him to get to know him a little better.
And on Monday we have our annual July 4th cookout out at my mother-in-laws. All of my husband's immediate family will be there, sisters with their husbands, nieces with their boyfriends. 
I think by next Tuesday I will need a vacation from my vacation.
Happy weekend everyone!


  1. LOVE the new blog header. It's certainly representative of summer.

    I want to come and paint on canvas with you. This looks awesome already. Like you, there are certain bits of art that should be made outside, and this looks like a fun summer activity. And dyeing the yarn is pretty decent, too. Never tried to dye cotton yarn, but have dyed wool yarn in Kool-Aid.

    Pete in cartoon is SO cute. Hope you have a great weekend and get to relax and enjoy the get-together.

  2. What a fun piece you made for TIOT - love it! The canvas looks good, that must be a great feeling painting outside on it. The yarn is fantastic, too. Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  3. Wonderful colors on that canvas you do outdoors and Pete is just awesome.. thank you for joining us at TioT's Erika!Happy PPF and have fun this long weekend!!!! Enjoy and take photos for us!
    oxo Susi

  4. Love all those gorgeous colors! And Pete really is adorable. I had a black lab or rather at two different times I had a black lab. I bet Pete is as sweet as he looks in your painting.

  5. A fabulous colourful canvas, and the yarns look lovely as well. Thank you for sharing the super page with your dog with us at TioT's, I can imagine him chasing the flies.
    Yvonne xx

  6. I guess dogs like to do the same. Mine is no different!Love your painting my friend!Summer is an inspiring season, isn't it?Thanks so much for asking about mum. She is not well yet.It's pretty cold here.
    Much love.

  7. What SUPER Art here. Your painting and yarn colors are fabulous and I love Pete❤
    Have a great holiday Time 😆

  8. Oh what absolutely delightful colors! Love your Pete too. Happy PPF and enjoy a lovely weekend of boating!

  9. That canvas looks interesting, looking forward to the finished result.
    A great journal page for TioT, Pete looks cute!
    Avril x
    p.s. Thanks for linking up to TioT

  10. Love your fantastic and colorful canvas, and your TIOT piece is so fun!
    Thank you for joining us at Try It On Tuesday. Mar xx

  11. I love that canvas you are working on and can imagine all sorts of possibilities for it, such as making pillows, bags, or just stretching it on a frame to hang in your home. That's a cute cartoon of pete too. Happy PPF and blessings!

  12. beautiful work, lovely colours!

  13. the canvas looks reallly cool...waiting to see the end result....i love ur dyed yarn...inspired to do the same :)

  14. I love Pete! A fabulous page! Lucky you to be able to craft outside! Thank you for joining us at Try It On Tuesday! Chrisx

  15. Luv your summer fun in colours. Thanks for dropping in at my blog this week

    Much love...

  16. Your dyed yarn is soooooo beautiful!! Be sure to show us your finished project...

  17. Love your fabulous canvas...I still have a big chunk in my closet that has been begging for a decade to be painted on!! Beautiful wool too...hope you show the end results!! And Pete is so lovable!! Happy 4 of July...enjoy your celebrations!!

    Hugs Giggles

  18. oh, that canvas is looking so gorgeous! Love the splash of colour. And that cotton yarn: wow! I would love to see what you will create with it. Have a happy long weekend!

  19. Bright colours and circles - what's not to love? :)

  20. That canvas looks like so much fun! How wonderful to be working outside, and just enjoy it, without any pressure. And that died yarn looks great, I especially love the blue and green one. They'll make wonderful scarves, I'm sure! What a great project.

  21. I'm enjoying all those lovely bright colours, especially the yarn ... fabulous! :-)


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