Thursday, June 30, 2016

Summer Journaling

This week is going way too fast!  Its Thursday already.
And already the last day of June.
Yesterday I spent close to 5 hours driving to my mom's and back, but we had a good visit. She is 86 and has some short term dementia, and we're not sure if it will progress to full bloom Alzheimer's disease or not. I will say she has developed this really good sense of humor.  We had a good visit and laughed a lot. Of course, she asked me the same questions several times, but I guess that comes with the territory.
So today I have some random journal pages to show you from from summer memory journal I am keeping.
There's all style of pages in my journal, because that's the way I like it.  :)

So today I am hanging home with pups, going for a walk, making some more journal pages, maybe doing some more solar printing,reading my latest book.
It sounds like so much fun!

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Your calendar pages are incredible. I know you consider them journal pages, but this is an AMAZING way to keep a calendar. You put my little one inch squares to shame!! I really enjoyed reading everything, but especially the nice note from your student.

  2. Love your journal pages, and the one with the thank-you letter from one of the students is fantastic. The book looks good too. Enjoy the school free time and have BIG fun! Hugs, Valerie

  3. So very glad you are able to spend time with your mom and that her humour is good -- so important to make those visits a bit easier. Love your calendar pages! And thanks for stopping by the Gypsy.

    I'm between (for another few hours) time home and in the Land of Limited Internet so I'll try to check in when I can. Meanwhile, much to catch up on!

  4. How beautiful! You are very talented. I also love your header! I have been to New Hampshire and it is beautiful there. Greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)

  5. Your calendar journaling pages are awesome Erika! I loved to read the just a note thank you letter from your pupil--- you must be a really cool teacher I guess - otherwise nobody would write such a note to you!
    Yes the days have flown by again --- so fast!
    Great that your mum has got humor that will make it much easier for her and for you as well.♥♥♥
    oxo Susi

  6. I'm familiar with that author but hadn't realized she wrote outside the speculative/sf genre. Westerns. Cool! Do you like the book?

  7. Wonderful journal pages, and so good to see the note to you from your student. Enjoy the holiday from school.

  8. Glad you got a chance to visit Mom, hope she is doing okay. It's hard at that age. Nice journal pages...I like the little bits of this and that and pics and writing. Hope your 4th is a happy one.


  9. Great header and nice black pup page. Have a lovely day!


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