Saturday, July 9, 2016

More of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

I showed you some photos from courtyard of the Isabella Gardner Stewart Museum in Boston (Massachusetts, US)  last post, and today I have a few more to show you. 
 I love the texture of this worn floor and the contrast with the marble column.
And I want this floor, just as it is. I love the colors and the textures. This inspires me to sew a quilt like this-and I'm not exactly a quilter.
 Even this fireplace is art.

 I took this photo looking through a thin fabric screen in a window. I like the effect it gives.
 I also like the reflection of this painting in the mirror on the left.

 I  loved these 2 pieces. Especially the one on the right which turned out to be a Matisse.
Looking out through a lace curtain made a cool textured photo.
 I should have saved this for T for Tuesday.
 I lightened the photo so you can see that part of the room itself.

There was just amazing art everywhere you looked. And quite a eclectic collection for sure.
So today we're going to have pretty chilly weather for July. Its also suppose to be cloudy, and we though we really need rain, I don't think we're going get much. They said maybe a half an inch tonight.
The hubby and I plan to take a little road trip north today since its definitely not boating weather. Time for a little exploring and adventure. More about that some other day though.
Have a great weekend everyone.


  1. I love museums and enjoyed my virtual look at this one. Thanks!

  2. Wow, what a gorgeous place! I also love your magical painting below, it is lovely.

  3. What wonderful photos, love all the textures you caught, and those beautiful tiles. It was a good idea to visit there, so much inspiration! Hugs, Valerie

  4. This is a really fascinating place - a wonderful museum! Thank you for sharing the photos! Hope you had a nice weekend.. looking forward to the photos!
    We had super weather - finally summer here !
    oxo Susi

  5. These are wonderful photos. I also like the floor, but it looks a bit like my basement floor right now with black in the crevices. I know theirs is not mud, but still!

    Whose painting is to the left of Matisse? It reminds me of a Pizarro.

    Thanks for sharing these lovely photos and memories of that day.

  6. What a grand and interesting place for sure!
    That tile floor is brilliant and so beautiful.
    Looks like a fun place to visit again and again as there is so much to take in and enjoy.
    Thank you for sharing Erika!
    p.s. here in Northern VA we've had two gorgeous low humidity days (48%) with about 80 degree temps...just my cup of tea! Heat and stickiness return tamale


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