Thursday, July 28, 2016

My Iceland Journal

Howdy. Or I should say "langt síðan síðast". I got this off the internet because my knowledge of the Icelandic language is about zero. I hope its the right way to say "long time no see."
Anyhow, I am still here on this island here in the North Atlantic. This is another pre-post that I wrote before I left, so I am assuming I am having a wonderful time and seeing fabulous things like glaciers and  volcanoes and maybe even a puffin or two.
Or an Icelandic horse.
Aren't these guys cute? Wish this was my photo but its not.
So I wanted to share the journal I made with you. I did not take my journal with me on this trip. First of all I am traveling with friends, and they may not be as tolerant of my journaling time as my family. Plus I think we 're going to be on the go. So rather than lugging it and not using it, I decided I would collect on my trip and do my journal when I got back home. 
But I got my journal ready for my return.
I started with this book cover I had sitting around. Its a tri-fold with 2 big pockets. I started by painting it.
I went with blue for 2 reasons. One, its one of the colors in the Icelandic flag. Also, its a cold color. I thought that might be a good choice for Iceland. :) I used clear modeling paste and a stencil to make this mountain design.
I found this 1950's children's book about Iceland on eBay awhile back. I decided to buy it and use it in my book because I love this map cover. It also came with some stickers- none of which had been used. I think some of them will show up in my journal when I make it.
Iceland looks so little on this map compared to Greenland, but I guess its mostly to scale here.
I took the cover off the old book. I used it and a few of the pages in my main journal signatures. Some of the rest of the book you can see on the left. Look at those great photos. I think some of those might have places when I make up my pages too. Or maybe I will this these unused pages and make a second little set of signatures too.  I'll see when I return.

Here's my binding holes for my signatures.
And my pattern.
And this time I tried my hand at beading the outer binding. I've never done this before and am pretty happy with the results. I even had these little Viking looking beads in my stash. I added one on each end. Perfect for a journal to a country that was settled by Vikings.
More views inside.

And here are some of the stickers.  I like that they are old and have that funky coloring. They'll give a little vintage interest to me pages.
I'll have a lot more to show you of this project once this trip wraps up and I return home. Its my planned project for next week.
Hope everyone is doing well and having a great week. See you soon.


  1. This looks great, I am looking forward to seeing it filled with Icelandic goodies when you come back! Have fun on the trip, hugs, Valerie

  2. Hope your exciting Icelandic adventure is going well.
    Your journal already looks fab - wonder what wonderful things you will have collected by the end of your trip.
    Have fun......... Gill x

  3. I am sure you are having a fab time in Iceland. I am a tad envious as having studied geology, Iceland is at the top of my bucket list!
    I am looking forward to loads of photos!
    Your parcel arrived two days ago (having taken only 5 days to get to Spain from the US). Happy mail! What a lovely surprise. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your tags/ATCs are beautiful! They are larger than ATCs so don't fit in the pockets I have for them. But you know what? I am going to frame them! A whole series of 5 on one subject is quite unique. They are stunning! Thank you so much.
    And also a big thank you for all the little 'bits 'n bobs' that you have added. I find the Egyptian playing cards fascinating. They will make nice book marks. I can imagine people playing with those cards and having the cards in the hand like a fan. And the the quote about women made me smile. I am writing my Friday blog and I will feature this little quote with a photo of this happy mail. You have made my day!
    Stay safe on your travels and please post many photos. We have upgraded our internet from 1 meg to 10 (steady now!) which is the max we can get here out in the sticks. So hopefully a page full of photos will now load in under a minute!

  4. This is going to be a fabulous book. Hope you are having a great trip.
    Yvonne xx

  5. WOW. That was thinking ahead. I know you like to have a journal ready, but buying a book on e-bay was really thinking in advance. It already is a fabulous book, with the binding you created and the fun pages. Hope you are having a great time.

  6. How very organised you are, Erika, to prepare this book in advance. It's a a good idea as it enhances the anticipation of the holiday.
    Hope you are having a great time and looking forward to seeing some of your photos when you return.

  7. Ooooh I can only imagine the wonderful Icelandic adventures you are having dear Erika...
    looking forward to seeing and hearing about it upon your return.
    Great journal you created...already!
    I have to say collecting and journaling at home worked really well for me recently.
    That book you bought on line is a gem and your binding is oh so special with your viking beads as the crowning glory.
    Awhile ago I got all wrapped up in the TV series VIKINGS.
    Had to avert my eyes when they got to swinging their axes and such but it was fascinating and full of history with great characters.
    Happy Trails to ya oxo

  8. Wow, you have really created a fantastic book to keep all your holiday creations in, it's perfect! I love the texture mountain stencil and the images are gorgeous. I can't wait to see all the pages of memories you create and the photos from your trip :-). Iceland looks so wonderful with all it's different scenery, birds and wildlife. Have an amazing time! J :-)

  9. Oh my gosh..what an amazing journal !!! I am in love with the binding ! Superb!!!
    Hope you enjoy your days just now!!!
    I miss you and looking forward to the photos and what you will post about your trip!

    Love the new kitchen .. thank you for asking -
    but have to wait until september for the tile backsplash. I think this will make it really super!
    oxo Susi

  10. I'm so impressed, Erika! The journal looks good -- and you haven't even started to add from your trip! When you start posting that I want to share your posts with my friend Maryanne who is headed there later this year.

    Your workmanship is great- - and good idea on using the blue.

    Also, a big thank you for visiting my MarmyGyp postings even though I've been MIA in the Land of Limited Internet. I have a lot of yours to catch up on before I go north again later today. I'll comment on as many as I can!

    Have a wonderful time -- can't wait to see how this fills up!


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!